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Kenny x Tammy

Another one episode throw off ship.

This ship is based off of the episode, "The Ring."

In the episode, Kenny dates a girl named Tammy. Rumors start spreading that she gave a kid named Dave Darski and BJ in the parking lot of TJI Fridays. Kenny is excited by this news and had this whole plan to get a BJ. He brings Tammy to The Jonas Brother's concert to get her all 'tingly 💀'. Sadly his plan fails and he is forced to wear a purity ring which prevents him from having sex or doing naughty things. After much struggling from Kyle, Stan, and Cartman to get their friend back, Kenny finally gets a BJ but dies from
Syphilis shortly after.

I mean this a good one, but it's another one of those one episode ships that I just can't get too attached to.




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