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I was in my office relaxing since I didn't need to do anything at the very moment..that was until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

To my surprise I saw Fed walk in, for a moment I thought about what he might've needed but  soon snapped out of my thoughts

"I need you to examine something."  Fed said,

 He sounded a bit nervous but i shook the thought away, I stared at Fed with pure confusion and stood up

"Examine what exactly? And why?" I told him,

I started to get more interested in what he was talking about, was it some type of food or illness?

"Just follow me.' He explained,

So I did what he asked, we left from out of my office and in to the crystal cave where I saw Kaiju completely torn up, as sick as I felt I managed to keep it down my throat

"Yeah..So there some kind of..glitch affect on some of the scars and stuff- Just look for yourself.." Fed said,

And I saw what he was talking about, on the deeper wounds there was this glitchy disease type of thing..It seemed odd and I had never seen anything like it before so I pulled out some gloves and put on  FIVE PAIRS OF FUCKING GLOVES.  After I did that I grabbed a test tube from out of my coat pocket and scooped up some of the glitch-like substance and carefully put the top of the test tube back on, I stared at it for awhile before realizing that it was...MOVING!? I dropped the tube on the ground, luckily it didn't break so I picked it back up and signaled Fed to follow me back to my office. We arrived at my office and i put the test tube on my table and stared at it for a few moments then looked back at Fed

"Any idea on how this happened Fed? Even better, what killed him?"

"Don't know but I think it's best you ask Ghostfox or Sprinklekit, they were at the scene first."

"Gocha, well you can go now, I'll figure out what this is.."

I watch Fed leave out my office and i look back at the test tube containing the mysterious substance and my eyes widened in fear, the test tube was somehow broken and the substance was...GONE?!

"Oh shit!.."


Kawaii and Lemon had just told me about Kaiju's death, I was pretty sad and pissed because we were really close but nope...he just had to die on me eh? I was interrupted from my thoughts when someone had crashed right in to me which caused me and them to fall back into the water.


"Oh shit! Sorry.."

It was that crybaby bitch Ghostfox...God I hate his guts. I told him to watch where he was going and of course he started to cry and ran off like the little bitch he is..To be honest I don't know why I hate him, he's just easy to pick on, just like the rest of 'em..After he ran off I saw this black glitchy-like goo on the wall..It look weird and cool at the same time, when I went over to touch it,



The goo had jumped right on to Lantern's face and slowly took over his body, some of it getting into his eyes, the rest getting into his mouth...He couldn't scream since his lungs had been clogged up by the mysterious goo and once again he fell back in to the water and blacked out..

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                                         TO BE CONTINUED

600 words YIPPIE!!!!

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