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Witchbrew had gotten away and now he's on the run. Everyone was pissed including me because why the fuck would he start this damn disease anyway?! I seriously cannot believe him...Ghostfox had to get back to tending to Panther because he started bleeding from his mouth..yikes. Figs had curled themselves on me, they've gotten more comfortable with me too.  I'm kinda like a mother figure to them, besides Plantix. Sinox is mad as fuck but he can't do anything due to his head injury because if he tried chasing Witchbrew he'd pass out. So me Nightcrawler and Sprinkle were selected to go. I grabbed a spare bat while Sprinkle had her knife and Nightcrawler had his katana as always. Now it's time for the hard part, finding the little shit...We decided to start with the shork pool then go farther after that. When we got there was spotted Buck. It seemed like he was about to infect someone so we slowly crept towards the pool. Sprinkle aimed her knife at Buck and I thought she was going to get a perfect throw but nope. Buck turned around quickly and spotted us. I got a peak at who he was about to infect and it was Lemon Shork. He charged at us but SPECIFICALLY ME?! AS IF I THREW THE DAMN KNIFE! Sadly I had now time to react and...



Buck lunged at Carneline and sank his claws deep in to her stomach...like really fucking deep...he grabbed on to her neck with his other hand and grabbed on to what seemed to be an rib and snatched it out as he pushed his claws into her neck. His actions made a cracking sound which caused a loud yell of agony to erupt from Carneline that was soon cut off. Sprinklekit and NIghcrawler both stared in disgust as they saw blood leak from Carneline's neck and stomach. Carneline's organs were completely exposed and a few chunks were missing as well. Blood leaked from her mouth and on to her purple fur. Buck was also covered in blood. It was on his paws, arms, face, and mouth. Sprinkle couldn't believe that was her brother...Sprinklekit and Nightcrawler ran as fast as they could not wanting to see anything else... words could not explain how gruesome they found that...Buck ran after the two quickly. Sprinkle tried to run as fast as she could but Buck got to her. He slashed his claws across the right side of her face causing a huge claw mark to appear with blood dripping down. Sprinkle let out a loud scream of pain and thats when Nightcrawler realized Sprinkle had gotten hurt but before Buck could do any worse Nightcrawler hit him with his katana causing him to fall of Sprinkle. He picked up Sprinkle and rushed back to the library. 

"They've gotten a lot more aggressive, Carneline's dead and died the worst way fucking imaginable..." Nightcrawler said as he tried to catch his breath


Ghostfox gave me a medkit to help with Sprinkle's scratch and from what I'm looking at she's not going to be able to see out of that eye anytime soon...I could still see the sadness and pain i her other eye and I felt terrible.. And what made it even worse is she asked me this..

"Nightcrawler...do i still look beautiful to you?.."

I could hear that she was about to cry and I was about to too...I cupped my hands around her face and told her.

"You'll always be beautiful in my eyes, no matter what changes I'll still love you.."

She couldn't help but cry. The bandages on her other eye were going to get wet but she didn't care. I'm just glad she's okay and isn't in a lot of pain. I hugged her tightly as she cried on my chest. My fur got a bit wet but that wasn't important she was the main the i was worrying about. After while she stopped crying and fell asleep on my chest. I gave her a small kiss on the forehead. I cared for Sprinkle dearly and hated to see her sad..But with this infection becoming even worse and more aggressive I want to keep her safe and protected..But I already seem to be failing at it..

I just want her to be okay...

722 words YIPPIE 

I actually started crying while writing this :{ 

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