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When the wires were tied around In Seong's wrists, he realized right away that the first soldier was saving them. He didn't tie the wire tightly around their wrists. They would be able to get the hell out of there once he left with his superior. In Seong was sitting on one of the broken floors. Su Ji sat next to him, trying not to acknowledge that he felt the wire being loosely tied.

In Seong glanced over his shoulder at the soldier. He didn't say a word as he positioned the wire around In Seong's wrists. In Seong looked over to the other survivors, waiting to see when they noticed that their ties weren't tight either.

As soon as In Seong heard the soldier walk away from the apartment complex, he started to pull his hands free. He stopped when he heard something above him. In Seong lifted his head up to the cracking sound. Everyone else in the complex was doing the same, trying to find out where that sound was coming from and more importantly, what it was exactly.

In Seong turned his head when he saw Jae Hwan and Seung Wan looking in the direction over his shoulder. In Seong saw something in the distance. As that something came into view, In Seong realized who it was.

"Uh, Ms. Im?" Ji Su spoke softly.

In Seong stared at the woman who helped save the kids. This time, she was naked, covered in some kind of goo. Her eyes were almost hazy, unfocused on the survivors who knew her. She was just walking through the ruins of the apartment complex, heading ouside for whatever reason.

"What's wrong with Mr. Im?" Yeong Su asked.

"I guess she became a monster." Su Yeong said.

In Seong just stared at Ms. Im, wondering what had happened to her. He saw her eyes go black; she had started to become a monster when she saved the kids. But right now, Ms. Im didn't look like the monsters they were dealing with, she looked completely human. A human on a mission, by the looks of it if she wasn't acknowledging anyone.

It was almost like she was reborn.

In Seong leaned forward, watching Ms. Im walk out of the complex – she was definitely on a mission. He wondered what it was though.

In Seong and Su Ji gasped when the car was driven straight into Ms. Im. She was slammed into the building. "She wasn't going to hurt you!" In Seong shouted, not that his words meant anything. The soldier was more fucked in the head than In Seong was. As soon as he saw a monster, he was going to kill it. No matter if the survivors knew her.

"What is he doing?" Hye In asked.

Su Ji narrowed his eyes, trying to see what the soldier was doing. "Fuck, that's gasoline." Su Ji began to pull the tie off his wrists. As soon as the wire dropped, Su Ji grabbed hold of In Seong, helping him stand up. The rest of the survivors did the same thing, getting ready to escape before the soldier started a fire.

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