Going Home for Holiday (Pt. 1)

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Soap liked to garden. When he was on leave, he always went home, back to his sisters and his mom. In the Scottish countryside, his family had a large garden. He'd spend hours in it, planting, watering, and cleaning. It gave him pride.

It was sometime in July, and the task force was having their annual break, to visit home for a few weeks. Everyone was excited. Usually, they only got holidays off, so this was a nice surprise.

Soap eagerly packed, messily throwing all of his clothes in a bag. He gathered anything he'd need for the break. He messily searched his room for his passport, putting it in his pocket instead.

I think I'm set, He thought, smiling as he made his way to the common room. Everyone was there, the atmosphere was buzzing. People were talking, happy to go home. Some were planning to meet up since a few people lived close together. It all made Soap excited too. He searched the room, finding Gaz at a table. It wasn't long before the two sparked up a conversation, talking about what they'd do over break, and how excited they were.

It wasn't until Soap looked around and saw Ghost wasn't there he paused. "Hey, where's L.T.?" He asked, his Scottish accent as thick as always. Gaz shrugged. "I dunno man, I haven't seen him." He replied. Soap hummed a confused huff. He finished his conversation with Gaz, both of them wishing the other a good break.

Then Soap was on his way. He looked around the room again, but he didn't see Ghost. So he walked his way through the building, toward the rooms. With no sign of Ghost anywhere in the hallways, he knocked on his door. "Ghost?" He called, listening for if he was in there. There was some shuffling inside, and then some silence before the door opened.

"What're ye' doing? Ye'r gonna miss the truck off base." Soap said, looking a bit confused. Ghost avoided his eyes a little bit. "I'm not.. Leaving base." He said. He had no packing to do, or truck to catch if he wasn't going anywhere. "What? Why ain't ye' goin' home for break?" Soap asked.

Ghost looked uncomfortable, or looked as uncomfortable as The Ghost could. "I don't, usually." He said simply. This is awkward, he thought. Soap was quiet for a minute. Now, he was even more confused. He swore he'd seen Ghost leave for break before.

Ghost saw the confusion. "I usually pack a bag and pretend to go. I just didn't want to this time." He explained. It was embarrassing, but if he was going to tell anyone, it would be Soap. Soap was shocked. He'd been pretending? He knew Ghost had lost his family, but he expected that maybe he was going to see some extended family, or friends maybe. He'd been faking this whole time? Why? "Why'd ye pretend?" Soap asked simply. Ghost just shifted on his feet. "I don't know, Johnny. I guess I just didn't want people to know." He didn't know why he lied.

Soap was quiet for a minute. "Do ye have a passport?" He asked, a glimmer in his eyes. Ghost felt a jolt of nervousness. "Yeah?" He answered, looking at Soap with a questioning look. Soap had learned how to read Ghost's expressions even with his mask.

Soap smiled happily. "Come home with me." He said. Ghost just stared at him for a minute. Go home with him? Had Soap really just said that? "What?" He asked abruptly. He was speechless. "Come home with me." Soap repeated. He had a smile on his face. "It can't be fun here alone for break. My family would love to have ye over." He was being dead serious.

Ghost didn't know what to say. The idea was almost scary to him. Soap picked up on his hesitance and decided to make the decision for him. He grabbed a bag from Ghost's closet, throwing clothes in. He spoke as he packed Ghost's things. "My sister, she's a fabulous cook. She owns her own bakery. Ye'll love her. She makes a bloody gorgeous pound cake. And me other sister, she's a medic–" He started rambling about his family, packing Ghost a bag. Ghost was too stunned to stop him.

Finally, Ghost snapped out of it, stopping Soap. "What are you doing?" He asked, exasperated. Soap just looked at him confused. "I'm packing for ye. The truck'll be here any minute." He said, quickly finishing packing. He grabbed Ghost's passport and his wallet. "Is that everythin'?" He asked. Ghost was too bewildered to fight back. He just looked around his room, picking up his headphones and his phone before nodding. "Good," Soap said with a proud grin, "Now let's go. We'll miss the truck off base for fucks sake." He quickly left the room, carrying his bags and ghosts down the hall. Ghost just followed in a baffled trance.

Eventually, he pulled himself together, catching up to Soap and grabbing his bag from him, walking next to him. Soap only smiled. By the time the two were on the truck going off base and to the airport, Soap was already texting the family group chat to let them know there had been a slight change in plans.

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