Going Home for Holiday (Pt. 4)

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I'm not very happy with how this turned out but that's okay not every chapter is a winner :)

I might rewrite later :))

This is part 4 of 4 for "Going Home for Holiday" 


After a while longer of storytelling, it was getting late. "All right ye' little gremlins. I think it's time you leave Simon alone an' get ready for bed. Don't want to miss Santa, do ye'?" Johnny asked, ruffling one of the kid's hair.

It got them all up pretty fast, going to get ready for bed. Simon stood up, his knees cracking. He raised an eyebrow at Johnny's face. "What?" He asked. Johnny was smirking. "Nothing." Johnny said, raising his arms all dramatic. Simon just scoffed, shaking his head with a small grin.

Before long, all the kids were in bed, cookies set out and stockings hung. All the adults put their presents under the tree, now that the kids were gone. After that, Freya and her husband Mark were already off to bed, along with most of Johnny's cousins. Lily was next, heading upstairs. Only a few people remained, drinking and talking in the living room on the main floor. Johnny, his sister Jenny, her girlfriend Sarah, Simon, and one of Johnny's cousins were left. Johnny had asked Jenny how it was at school. She spoke about her unpaid shifts at the hospital and the dreadful exams she had to take. Simon sat close to Johnny, their legs touching. He was quiet. Even though he felt a lot more comfortable than he ever dreamed he would around Johnny's family, he was still a bit awkward.

Before long, everyone was heading to bed. Everyone said goodnight and headed their separate ways. Unlike how it had been planned, Simon refused to take Johnny's room. He didn't care if he was the guest, he'd rather sleep on the couch. He didn't like the idea of causing a ruckus.So finally, Johnny gave up. "Whatever, ye' weird bastard." Johnny chuckled. He didn't get why Simon was so insistent, but he didn't get a lot about Simon, so he dropped it. Simon sighed, "Oh, I'm the bastard?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. Soap hummed, nodding his head. Simon just rolled his eyes. "Goodnight, Johnny." He said dramatically. Johnny just scoffed, waving his hand dismissively as he went to go downstairs to his room. He turned around before going down the stairs. "Sure ye'r all set? No need for another pillow, or a blanket?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Johnny." Simon insisted. As Soap started to walk down the stairs, Simon pipped up quickly. "Thank you, though." He said. He knew he wasn't always the most open, or the nicest, but he was doing his best. Johnny smiled. "Ye'r welcome. Now get some sleep, I'm sure the kids are gonna be bothering ye' all day tomorrow." He teased.

Simon tossed and turned for a few hours. It wasn't the best sleep he'd had, but it surely wasn't the worst. The couch was actually pretty comfortable, he just couldn't sleep. He sighed, grabbing his coat and boots. He stepped outside, just outside the door, pulling out a cigarette. He sat there and smoked for a bit until he heard the door open. "Oh, yer up." Soap said as he slinked outside. He pulled out his own cigarette.

Simon shrugged. "Couldn't sleep." He said. Johnny chuckled. "I told ye' just to take my room." He said. Simon scoffed right back, blowing out some smoke. "The couch is perfectly comfortable, 'just can't sleep." He explained. Johnny rolled his eyes, "Uh huh." he teased. After a few moments of silence, all be it comfortable silence, Johnny spoke up. "I'm.. proud of you today." He said, taking a puff of his cigarette, looking out into the dark. Simon looked at him, a puzzled and slightly embarrassed look on his face. Before he could speak, Johnny cut him off, like he knew he was going to ask. "With the kids," He said, "I know kids aren't yer thing. Or big functions, and I know my family is big." He chuckled. Everything was a big function with a family like that.

Simon looked down at his cigarette, "...Thanks.." He said. "It's.. actually been pretty nice. The kids aren't that bad. They liked my mask." He remarked in his gruff voice. Johnny had a proud smirk on his face. "Yeah?" He asked. Simon looked back at him. "Yeah." He answered back, and he was genuine. "This has been nice, better than spending break by myself at base," Simpon admitted, "Thank you for inviting me." Soap's smile got bigger. "Yer welcome." He said, putting his light out. "Now come on, someone's gotta eat the cookies before the kids get up." He said mischievously.

Simon followed him inside with a warm smile. Johnny went up and slipped most of the cookies off the plate in a gremliny manner, quickly scuttling back down the stairs to his room, dragging Simon. He shut the door with a smile, handing a cookie to Ghost as they sat down on his bed. "Don't want the kids to see." He said. He didn't want a kid to catch them eating the cookies if they wandered out of bed.

It was late, so they spoke in hushed voices, eating cookies. As the hour blurred by, so did the conversations. It wasn't until Simon woke up to Lily's face above him, waking him and Soap awake, that he realized he had fallen asleep. In Johnny's bed. With Johnny.Lily didn't say anything, but it was all over her face. "Everyone was wondering where you were." She said teasingly. Simon hadn't been on the couch after all. "Come on, it's present time you two."

Simon and Johnny both groggily woke up, a bit embarrassed. "Fuck.. I'm never livin' this down." Johnny grumbled. Simon raised an eyebrow, a grin on his face. "At least I'm comfortable." He said cockily. Johnny just groaned playfully. "Ye' bugger." He scoffed, walking up the stairs with Simon. The teasing glances Johnny's family gave them truly were embarrassing that morning, to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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