Going Home for Holiday (Pt 3)

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Hello!! Ty to that one guy who commented it really motivated me to finish this :) There may be one last small after-math after this


When they got to the house, Simon and Johnny climbed out. Freya went around and got Bailey. Simon looked at the house a bit nervously. Without any hesitation, he told Jonny he would bring all the bags. He grabbed their bags, bringing them all in one haul. He followed Johnny and Freya to the front door, unconsciously dragging his feet in the snow a bit. Johnny happily opened the door.

Immediately, the warm air hit him. He stepped in, his heart hammering in his chest. Immediately, a few people walked up with smiles. An older lady, probably Johnny's mom, gave Johnny a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. A girl with brown hair came up and gave him a hug too. From Johnny's photos, Simon guessed it was his younger sister, Jenny. A few kids surrounded them too, all talking over each other. Simon held their bags, looking at everyone. There were more people in the kitchen and the living room.

He snapped back from his daze when the older woman and Johnny approached him. "Ye must be Simon. I mean, Ghost. John talks about ye' all the time, I'm so glad to meet ye' finally!" She said. "Actually-" Simon started to say, but she suddenly started talking again. "John! Why do ye' have your friend holding all the bags? He's the guest!" She said. She touched Simon's hand. "This way, dear." She said, leading him to a room. Johnny tried to defend himself again, but he gave up when he was overwhelmed by everyone else.

Simon followed her to the room. "Ye'll stay here. This is John's room. He'll sleep on the couch." She called loud enough for Johnny to hear, who pretended to be upset with the news. He sighed dramatically. Simon smiled nervously. "No, it's okay, I'll sleep on the couch." He tried to say, but she cut him off. "No no, ye're the guest here, Ghost." She said.

Ghost put the bags down, looking at the floor nervously. "You can call me Simon." He said. He was glad he didn't sound as nervous as he was. She smiled, "Well my names Debra. I'll introduce ye' to everyone." She said. Simon's heart was beating harshly. He looked at Johnny for help. Johnny got the hint and came over with them. "I've got it Ma." He said.

He lead Simon to the living room. There were two teenagers on the couch, maybe 10-14 years old. There were three kids under the age of ten playing on the floor, and a few kids running around. There were twelve kids all around.

Johnny took him around to meet everyone. "This is Jenny, and her girlfriend, Sarah. This is my little niece, Sarah. And you met Freya in the car, and Bailey. This is Freya's husband, Mark. This is my youngest sister Lily." He introduced everyone, who gave Simon a smile and a handshake. Johnny had been sure to tell them he was nervous before they got there. As the kids ran around, he tried to point them out with names. 11 kids all around.

After a while of introduction, everyone settled. Mark, Freya, and Johnny's mom went back to the kitchen to keep cooking. Simon sat close to Johnny on the couch as they all sat and spoke. Simon barely spoke, but he was respectful. Eventually, Johnny decided to help him out a bit. "We'll be right back." He said, nodding for Simon to go with him.

They stepped outside, the cold air hitting their faces. Johnny pulled out a think of smokes. "I thought you didn't smoke, Johnny." Simon said, happily taking one. Johnny smiled. "Aye. I'm not smoking." He said, leaning back. "Then why are you out here?" Simon asked, raising an eyebrow.

Soap shrugged. "Thought ye' could use a minute. Wanted to ask how ye'r doin' so far?" He asked. Simon took a drag. "You have a big family." Simon said. He was overwhelmed. "Aye." Johnny responded. It was a lot of family, especially for Simon. Simon had a lot of things to say.

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