Going Home for Holiday (Pt 2)

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When they got to the airport, Ghost fumbled with his bag. "What're ye doin'?" Soap asked, raising an eyebrow. Ghost pulled out a regular balaclava with a skull design on it. He turned away from Soap, changing his regular mask out for the balaclava. Soap got only a glimpse of the back of his head. A scar or two on his neck, his short, blondeish hair. His pale skin. Ghost turned around, grabbing his things out of the truck, and they walked in. After that, Ghost only had to take his mask off for security, and that was fast. As soon as that was over, he was quickly hidden back in his mask.

When they got to their gate, Soap easily got Ghost a seat next to him. They sat in front of their gate, and Soap was still texting his family group chat. It started with people asking him what he was talking about, and worrying he wasn't coming last minute. Soap had quickly explained he was still coming, and that now, Ghost was too. Of course, his family was ecstatic. They'd heard a lot about Ghost from Soap.

Immediately, Soap's mother had started worrying about any allergies Ghost had. Soap's older sister joined in on that, worrying about her baking. Soap assured her Ghost would like anything she made, and he wasn't allergic to anything. He looked up at Ghost, who was nervously tapping his foot. "They're excited to meet ye, Si." He said with a grin.

Ghost looked at him. Even with the mask on, Soap could see the hidden nervousness in his eyes. "Really?" Ghost asked, clearing his throat. He hadn't expected to be going with Soap, especially last second, and especially to see his family. Ghost was secretly a nervous wreck, worried to meet Soap's family. He wasn't much of a family guy, and he was honestly kind of awkward. He was intimidating, and he had the social skills of a drowned rat. He didn't want them to dislike him, and he didn't want to put a damper on the whole thing.

"Yeah, really," Soap assured him. He smiled as he texted the group chat again, still talking to Ghost. "They're happy I "finally have a friend" Bloody rude if ye ask me." He joked, quoting a text his younger sister had sent. He could tell Ghost was out of his element here. "You'll do great." He said. He was teasing him a little bit, but he was sincere.

When the plane started boarding, Soap texted the group chat one last time before putting his phone on the airplane. He turned to Ghost. "I'm excited. It's been so long since we've had a break. All me sisters 'r gonna be there and everything." Ghost just grew more nervous. He knew Soap's family was big, and hearing Soap confirm it made him anxious. "What's your family like, Johnny?" He asked, looking out the window at the ground crew.

Soap smiled. "Well, there's me mum. She's retired. The get-togethers at her house. She lives in the countryside, damn pretty place. She's got a lot of cats." He blammered on about his family for quite a while. It soothed Ghost ever so slightly. "- and me other sister, Jenny, she's got a wee one. And Freya has a few. I think ye'll like her, she likes tea. Maybe she'll make you some." He teased with a grin. Ghost felt a leap in his chest. There would be kids around. That made him really fucking nervous. Soap picked up on the nervousness. "Hey, don't worry. You got this, it'll be a skoosh." He said. Ghost couldn't help but smile a bit. "A skoosh?" He repeated, sounding a bit less nervous. Soap scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. "It means it'll be fine. All easy." He said. Ghost only scoffed right back, sitting back a bit further in his seat.

Before long, the plane was off in the air. The flight was an overnight one, and Soap and Ghost sat, sharing a pair of headphones to watch a movie. Ghost found it hard to sleep. The nerves, along with just the general setup of the plane made it hard.

By morning, they landed at the airport. Soap looked excited. Like always, he was energetic. Ghost was not. He looked a bit like a mess. Soap couldn't help but chuckle. "It's alright, Si. I swear you're stressing over nothing." But Ghost wasn't convinced. He looked at Soap and walked with him. "Hey, can we stop at a bathroom before we go?" He asked. Soap nodded. They found a bathroom, and Soap waited outside with their luggage. He texted the group chat some more, trying to find out where at the airport his sister was picking them up.

After a while, he noticed Ghost had been in the bathroom for a strangely long time. He started paying a bit more attention. Finally, after a while, Ghost came back out. He looked almost shaky, and he'd clearly splashed his face. It was strange for Soap to see Ghost, The lieutenant of 141 so nervous. He smiled softly, handing the slightly taller man his bag. He grabbed his hand, and Ghost looked down in a bit of surprise. But he didn't pull his hand back. "You've got this, Ghost. No need to be so worried, it's just my family." He said. Ghost just nodded. That was all the reason to worry. This was Johnny's family. He didn't want to fuck up.

As they walked out the doors, and looked for the car, Soap spoke to Ghost. "Me sisters picking us up, I think it's just her? But she might have Jenny in the car too, or her husband." He said. He really didn't know, but it sounded like if anyone was coming, it would have been one of those two. Ghost just nodded anxiously. There was a beep behind them and Ghost almost jumped. Soap smiled, pulling him toward the car that beeped. Out hopped his older sister, Freya. She looked a lot like him, except she had long reddish-orange hair. She was pretty thin, with slightly paler skin. She looked 5'8 or so. She had a big smile on her face, and she ran forward to give Soap a hug. "John!" She said happily.

Soap let go of Ghost's hand to hug his sister. He was happy too. "Hey, Freya." He said, patting her back. "Good to see ye'." He smiled happily, looking at Ghost. Ghost looked like he was going to fall over. Soap gave him a soft look. "Freya, this is my friend, Ghost." He said. Freya turned around with a smile, "Hi! Oh my gosh, it's so nice to finally meet ye'. John talks about ye' all the time." She shook his hand. Ghost tried to smile a bit, despite his nervousness. "It's nice to meet you too. You can call me Simon." Soap looked at him with a bit of surprise. It wasn't often Ghost let people call him Simon.

Soap blushed slightly. He was embarrassed. "Hey, I don't talk aboot him all the time." He tried to defend himself. Freya rolled her eyes. She looked at Simon with a raised eyebrow. "Ye' look like ye'r gonna pass out, are you okay?" She asked. Simon only nodded his head, and Johnny spoke for him. "He's a wee bit nervous." He said, patting Simon's shoulder. Freya only chuckled, feeling sympathetic. "Aye, there's no need for that. We don't bite, except for John." She stuck her tongue out at Johnny. She and Johnny bickered back and forth about that as they loaded the bags into the trunk. Simon chuckled slightly.

As they got into the car, Freya spoke to both of them. "Bailey's in the back by the way. She's sweet, so no need to worry." She said, climbing into the driver's seat. Simon froze at the door and made eye contact with Johnny. Both of them froze for a second. Simon was lowkey afraid of kids. It wasn't in a fear of kids way, but a PTSD thing. "Um..." Johnny kind of hummed out. Freya looked at them both. "Oh, is there an issue with that?" She asked, "I meant to tell you, but I was already on the way."

Soap smiled kindly, closing the passenger door. "No, no, it's okay. I'm just gonna sit in the back with Simon, is that okay?" He asked. Freya nodded, "Of course! Do whatever works John." She felt bad for causing some type of problem. Soap climbed into the backseat, and Ghost climbed in after him. Ghost looked stressed, and Soap couldn't help but feel bad. Simon hadn't really been prepared for any of this, and the poor guy was stressing. "I swear it's okay." He whispered to Ghost. Ghost looked at him and tried to calm down. He looked over at the baby in her seat. He felt his heartbeat quicken in anxiousness. Soap gently grabbed his hand, rubbing his thumb against his knuckles.

It worked. Throughout the drive, Johnny rubbed his knuckles, and Simon slowly calmed down a bit. He was still clearly anxious, but not as much as before. By the time they reached the house, he was talking a bit to Freya. It was strange to see Ghost, the intimidating lieutenant of 141, so nervous and kind of shy. But Soap was proud of him.

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