Tryst: Chapter 4

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Ella's POV
I slumped back into the passenger seat exhausted. I closed my eyes a bit, and soon heard Joe come in his seat.
"Who knew exploring could be so tiring." I drew a deep breath.
"Same. How did Dora do it?" I laughed at Joe's remark. Soon he started driving, and I saw it was to my flat.

Joe and I went to every single place that interested him that I didn't know about. We did go to 1D World, and had massive fun. I now have a picture of me kissing a cut out Louis. Check that off my bucket list.
"Well Ella, we're here." I heard Joe say.
"No I'm too tired." I whined. I was so close to falling asleep.
"Ella come on now." Joe pestered. My eyes soon began to droop. I was barely conscious.
"Ah. Screw it." I heard Joe moving, and he was out of his seat. I heard footsteps, and he opened my door. I soon felt his arms under my legs and cradling my back. The lifted me bridal style, and closed the door with his foot. I smelled his scent, and cuddled closer to him for warmth. Damn you London weather.
Joe kept walking until he came to a stop.
"Ella where are your keys?" He asked.
"In my front pocket." I mumbled.
"Can you get them for me, I'm quite tied up." I tiredly grabbed my keys out of my pocket, and handed them to the arm that was under my legs. He opened
the door with ease.

Damn Joe. You've obviously been working out.

He kept waking until he he placed me on a soft mattress. I then felt my covers over me. I quickly snuggled into them for warmth.
"Goodnight Ella." I then felt a light pressure on my forehead before I drifting into sleep.
Joe's POV
I put her keys on her nightstand and headed to my car. I was beyond exhausted. Once I reached my car, I remembered all the memories me and Ella made today. I smiled. For some reason, Ella made me feel a small tingle when I was with her. I'm not saying sparks are flying, but I feel a tingle. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her forehead before she drifted to sleep, but I couldn't help it. I guess I care for Ella. I mean I've known the girl for almost all my life. It's natural.
I started my car and headed home. I opened the door to my house, and saw Caspar on the couch, looking to be watching a movie.
"Caspar, what are you doing? It's 12:30 in the morning." He turned his head.
"You've finally arrived." He spoke sarcastically.
"What do you mean? You knew I was going to be with Ella."
"I knew you were going to be with Ella for breakfast, not for the whole day." He sounded a bit frustrated and annoyed.
"So." I replied.
"We were supposed to film today. You promised Monday we would. I had everything ready since 2, but you never came. Now I have to rush to make and edit a video." Realization hit me like a bus.
"Caspar. Mate I'm so sorry." I felt the guilt coming in strong. Caspar hasn't posted in 2 weeks and I know he hates being rushed.
Caspar still didn't answer.
"Mate I'm so sorry. I'll um, I'll film with you later today, and I'll help you edit." I offered hoping for him to take it. he turned back around at me, and sighed.
"Alright. But just this once, cause I know you were hanging with your childhood friend, and I like her." I went over and gave him a hug.
"So what did you two do today?" He asked. I explained everything. I laughed and smiled reminiscing all of the memories.
"Joe can I ask you a question?" Caspar asked.
"Do you like Ella?"
"Well of course I like Ella I've known her since forever." I replied.
"No I mean fancy her." Caspar trailed on. I thought about it.
"No of course not. We're just really good friends, nothing more." I said. I don't think it was serious. Like I said, I only felt a tingle.
"Okay man. Just remember, that's your sister's best friend. I don't think Zoe will be very happy with if you date her." He said walking to his room. I still sat on the couch.
Do I possibly fancy Ella? It's a possibility, but I can't. I can't do that to Zoe. If we so happened to get together what would happen if we broke up. Zoe and Ella's relationship would be ruined, and mine as well. I can't let that happen.
Ella's POV
I woke up without any alarm whatsoever. I turned to my phone to see them time. 10:30. Not bad. I got out of bed, instantly missing the warm covers. I went to freshen up, and soon after, I ate some cereal. After that, I decided to be productive, and sketch and walk around. I quickly switched out of my pjs, and put on a grey muscle tee and black skinny jeans. I then tied a red checkered flannel around the waist, and some black high tops. I put my hair in a messy bun, not wanting it in my face, and headed out the door with my purse. I put in my earphone, and let Ed Sheeran take over my mind. As I walked around I came across a park. I sat on a bench, and looked around. It was autumn and the leaves were slowly falling off the trees. I soon got inspiration from this, and got my sketchbook out. I let out my imagination on a page.
No one knew I liked to sketch. It was one of this hidden talents I liked to keep to myself. It gave me an outlet to all my emotions and feelings. All of my creativity and imagination on one page. It gave me a sense of peace.
I looked down at the drawing in awe. it was a picture of Joe, with leaves slowly flowing out from the side of his face. (A/N it's his current banner XD) I stared at the sketch. I really did a good job on this one. The details on Joe were really good. Good job Ella.
My mind however wondered. Why did I draw Joe. Why would I include him in this. I honestly don't know what's going on with me. Obviously something isn't right. I continuously slapped my forehead.
"Ella. Stop. It." I told myself.
sooooo Joe's feelin tingles and Ella's feeling them as well;)) and with the sketch thing, do not hate. I simply did it cuz I feel it'd be good for the story. and none of its real so.. XD
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