Tryst: Chapter 7

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This is dedicated to @lydiamartin13 ! Thank you so much for the message on my wall thing!

Ella's POV

As Joe said, he left after we finished cleaning up. We didn't bring up the kiss, and hopefully it'll stay that way.

After he left, I took a quick shower in the guest bathroom, and slept on the couch. When I awoke, the smell of fresh coffee and bagels woke me up. I surprisingly see Alfie organizing a plate with a bagel, tea, cream cheese on the side, and a rose on the very end.

"Alfie what are you doing?" I asked. My voice was a bit rough considering I just woke up.

"Goodness, Ella. Don't do that." He put his hand over his heart.

"Oh sorry. But for real, what are you doing?" I asked again.

"I came really late last night from an event, and Zoe went to bed already. So, because I didn't see her all day, I've decided to spend the whole day with her today. And to start it off, a wonderful breakfast." He motioned the breakfast with his hands as if it were a magic trick. I gave a quiet chuckle.

"Alright. Well I best be going. Don't wanna intrude on your wonderful day together." I responded.

"Oh no, you can stay. It's totally all right with me." Alfie insisted.

"I'm sorry Alfie, but I can't." I sadly smiled.

"Oh alright, but please take a bagel with you. You must be starving." I gave him an okay and a smile, and he went off to Zoe.

Sometimes, I envy Zoe with her relationship. Not only are they super cute together, but you can see Alfie genuinely cares for Zoe. Sometimes, I want to have someone to hug, kiss and cuddle with, but I've always been a single. I've only had 2 relationships in my life, and I'm 24. My mother is already scared she won't have any grandchildren.

I pulled my hair into pony tail, and grabbed my bag. Before I left, I did indeed grabbed a bagel. I ate it while in the car.

Once I finally arrived to my apartment complex, and parked, and went inside my apartment. I quickly jumped into my bed. I snuggled into it a bit, quickly, falling into another deep sleep.


My eyes slowly opened to the sound of my phone ringing. I reached my hand out to my nightstand, and grabbed the phone. I pressed answer and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello." My raspy voice said.

"Ella! Did you take nap? You're voice is all groggy like it is when you wake up." I instantly recognized it as Zoe.

"Yes Zo, I did. Now why are you calling me at," I check the time of my phone. "5:30?"

"Well, there's a party today, and I wanted you to come." I gave it some thought before answering her.

"Yeah okay, but don't get wasted and leave me like last time." I warned.

"I promise I won't!" She said all perky. I ended the call so I could get ready.

I went to finally take a shower. After I was clean, I put my robe on and looked for an outfit.

I decided on a more sophisticated look, yet dressy enough to be worn at a party. (Her outfit on top:) )

After putting it on, I wore a gold and black eyeshadow look, and a bold red lip. When I was done, I took a tube to the address Zoe sent me.


When I came in front of the house, it was totally packed. The house was a regular 2 story white house. It'd look much more presentable without all red solo cups on the lawn, and weirdly, toilet paper. Nevertheless, I went inside the house, and it was much more massive than it looked outside.

I squished through random people, until I finally saw Zoe.

"Zoe!" I yelled through the loud music. She turned her head, and finally spotted me. She quickly went out of her chair, and ran to me.

"Finally, you've made it!" She squealed. I laughed as we both went to get some drinks. I didn't feel like getting a hangover, so I decided to only drink a little tonight.

"Oh yes, you must meet the host of this party. He is one of the funniest people you'll ever meet." Zoe led me through the in's and out's of the house, until we were finally at the pool. There I heard an outlandish laugh roar through music.

A man brown-blondish hair was laughing so loud at what someone said. All around him were Joe, Marcus, Tanya, Jim, Caspar, Oli, and Alfie.

"Hey, guess who finally arrived! Ella I want you to meet the funniest man alive, Mr. Tyler Oakely. Tyler I'd like you to meet my best friend Ella. Tyler's here to visit, but he wanted to throw a party, and because him and Marcus are such good friends, Marcus let him have it at his house." I smiled and went to shake his hand, but he quickly pulled me into a hug.

"Oh please. Skip the hand shake, I'm more of a hugger." He spoke. I laughed and hugged back. I could tell Tyler was very iconic and confident, and I really liked that about him. After our hug, all of us talked, and I've never laughed so hard in my life. Tyler really was the funniest man I knew.

"Okay, I need another drink, I'll be right back." I said. I went to the kitchen to grab a beer, when someone pushed me very roughly. I looked to see who it was, and was met with emerald eyes.

"I'm so sorry. Someone pushed me, and then I pushed you, and yeah." He said helping me up.

"Oh no it's fine." I say.

He had gorgeous dark green eyes, with a cute brown quiff. His jaw bone was so prominent it looked as if it could cut glass, and his body was tall, and pretty skinny. He was still well built. His body was basically like Joe's.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yes, of course. I'm sure it was an accident." I smiled, and he gave one back.

"Christian." He introduced. He stuck his hand out, and I grabbed it.

"Ella." Giving his hand a good shake.

"I've never seen you here before. Have you just moved?" He questioned. I gave a small nod and smile.

"Yeah, I just got in about 3 days ago from Australia."

"Well if you ever need someone to show you around, I'm pretty sure I can be of assistance." I felt he was flirting with me slightly, but I played along with it. He was very attractive.

"I actually think I can arrange that." I smiled. We then exchanged phone numbers, and I said a goodbye, because I needed to get back to Zoe. I turned around to go to the kitchen, when I bumped into someone. I look up to see Joe.

"Oh sorry Joe. Didn't see you there." Usually Joe would laugh and shake it off, but he looked serious, almost angry.

"Hey Joe. Are you okay?" I asked.

"Did you just talk to Christian Wayne?" He said ignoring my question.

"Yeah I did. He was just being friendly, telling me if I wanted to have a tour of London to call him. Why, is something wrong?" Joe was acting very weird. He would normally never do do this.

"Don't flirt with him alright Ella." He looked me dead in the eyes.

"And why not? I have the right to flirt with whoever I want to." I said raising my voice a little.

"Ella he's a huge player. You're wasting your time with him.

"Joe, what I want to do with my relationships is what I want to do. And who said anything about flirting?"

"I saw the way you were acting around him. I know you find him attractive, just like the other girls who get their heart broken by him." I gave him a hard glare before speaking.

"You know what Joe, whatever. You're supposed to act like my friend, not like a jealous, overprotective boyfriend." 

Tryst {Joe Sugg}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora