Student From North Hampton Hills.

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A Branikdre Story? (DORK DIARIES)


REPRESENTING: (MAIN CHARACTERS, in the original book.) Nicole/Nikki Julianne Maxwell, Chloe Garcia, Zoeyesha Franklin, and Brandon Roberts. (Close Friends) Andre (IDK HIS LAST NAME), Max Crumbly. AND Mackenzie Hollister.. (FRENEMY)...(Side characters, mostly NOT shown) Max Crumbly, Brianna Maxwell, Mrs. Maxwell and Mr. Maxwell, Theodore L. Swagmire III, Violet Baker, finally Marcus.


(BEGINNING with Andre) Andre's a student participating in a Student Exchange Week program from North Hampton Hills. Nikki was obligated to be his student ambassador and guide him throughout his week at Westchester Country Day. He is French-American, and is artistic, similar to Nikki. He is very popular among the girls at WCD as well as NHH that he is intimidating to all the guys, especially Brandon. Andre has jet-black hair, that's straight. It is unknown what his eye color or skin tone he has. He is taller than Nikki, and has a lean stature. He has the same eye structure as Nikki, also he has a very charming smile.

(Brandon): He notices this new guy talking to his crush, Nikki OR flirting with her. Which meant he was trying to steal her. Brandon knew Nikki wouldn't ever talk to another guy but him. So he decided to interrupt them.. Brandon walked up to them with a fake, pretended smile. "Hey, so you must be the new guy, Andre right? My name is Brandon." Brandon said, with a soft smile which made Nikki slightly blush.

Andre turned his head slightly to face Brandon, his charming smile never leaving his lips. "Oui, Monsieur. Andre Dupont, it is a pleasure to meet you, Brandon." He extended his hand in a friendly gesture. Brandon shaked his head with gentleness, and slightly squeezed his hand. As it was quite clear, Brandon was jealous... Nikki waited for them to finish talking so she could show Andre around the school, and his classes. "I am Nikki's friend, or best friend. It is really nice to have a new student at this school. So, I see... you're French-American?" Brandon replied, with a soft smile, he chuckled. Andre also chuckled softly, his eyes still locked on Nikki's. "Vous êtes trop gentil, Brandon. J'ai hâte de faire votre connaissance plus profonde." He purposely used French phrases to make the atmosphere a bit more intimate. Brandon blinked, he thought REALLY hard to figure out what he just said, which seemed like he was struggling. "Okay, that right there. I couldn't figure out what you just said." Brandon replied, with a soft and nervous chuckle. He was extremely jealous as Andre could speak French and not him, which made Nikki blush and act all shy around Andre. "J'ai hâte de faire votre connaissance plus profonde." Andre repeated in English, grinning at their obvious confusion. "It means I'm looking forward to getting to know you both better."

"I wish I could speak French, so I could say the most roman-... Kindest! Things to you, Andre.." Nikki replied, as they totally ignored Brandon and pretended like he wasn't there. Nikki's eyes were lost into Andre's..

Andre's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Je suis ravi de pouvoir parler français avec Nicole. Je suis sûr que vous parlez français mieux que ça, Brandon." He teased, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Brandon's smile slowly turned into a frown. "Seriously dude, you gotta stop talking in French. I have no clue what you're saying!" Brandon was starting to get annoyed, he wasn't an expert at French!

Andre chuckled softly, shaking his head slightly. "Sorry, it's just a little game we're playing. I promise to speak English from now on." He gives Brandon a sly grin.. "So, how long have you been single, Brandon?"

Brandon sighed, while he gaved Nikki a glance. "Oh, uhm... I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to finding myself a girlfriend, yet. But, I have someone who is quite special to me.." Brandon replied, but his eyes left Andre's as Brandon stared at Nikki, and Nikki stared back romantically while blushing. Which made Andre kind of jealous too.. Andre nodded, studying Nikki's reaction. "Ah, I see. Well, that makes a lot of sense. It's good to know that you have someone special in your life." He said, his tone indicating that it clearly made him jealous..

Brandon cleared his throat, as Nikki and him stopped staring at each other. "Well, it's better if I get going." Brandon said, and waved at Nikki goodbye, while Nikki was left with Andre. "So, now I will show you around the school. Have you put in all your stuff inside your locker?" Nikki asked, she blushed as she looked away shyly. Andre nodded, trying not to show his irritation. "Yes, everything's in there. Let's get going then." He fell into step beside her, trying to ignore the jealousy that was starting to bubble up inside him. Nikki introduced Andre to other students, and his classes and teachers. While Andre introduced himself to some girls, that immediately fell in love with him. Of course, Andre was a very admiring guy. He had a lot of girls who were his friends because of his charming looks, and loyal personality. Andre found himself smiling at the girls as they giggled and flirted with him. "So, do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" He asked towards Nikki, trying to hide the slight jealousy he was starting to feel.

Nikki blushed by the sudden question. "N-No, but I DO have someone I'm crushing on... But.. Why do you ask?" Nikki replied shyly. Andre shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Just curious." He said, fighting down the wave of jealousy that was washing over him again. "So, who is your special someone?" He asked, unable to keep out the jealousy from his voice.

Nikki swallowed hard, trying to hide her shyness, "I can't tell you that... W-well, okay here.. He is very sweet, smart, shy, and very handsome as well. He loves helping out people and animals, he is very dear to me. Yet, I still can't tell what I feel about him.." Nikki confessed shyly, which was clear Andre wasn't her crush... which made Andre a bit mad.

Andre bit back a growl of frustration So, she had a crush on someone else. He tried to keep his anger in check as they walked down the hall. "Well, that's too bad." He said coldly, not even looking at her.

Nikki stared at the ground, and looked back at Andre, "But, there's this other guy I've been starting to catch feelings for.. He is also smart, very polite, attractive and handsome, he is very skilled and experienced, has a good taste in girls and his clothing, he is also very loyal and romantic. And brave.." Nikki added, as she started to sweat and blush bright red. What Nikki was describing was most likely to be Andre. "Oh really?" Andre raised an eyebrow, pretending to be surprised. "And who might that guy be?" He asked, feigning indifference despite the jealousy burning inside him. "That's a secret, maybe YOU can figure it out." Nikki replied, with a soft giggle. As she walked away and left Andre for his next class. "Well, if you
insist." He muttered to himself, crossing his arms over his chest. He watched her walk away, trying to hide the anger and hurt he felt.

Creator: (Ethan)

(BRO, I TYPED ALL OF THIS ON A COMPUTER.. Thank you for reading! If you want, you can comment and give me requests on ideas for this story! I'm no really creative..)

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