Valentine's Day Is Almost Here! (Part 2/NSFW)

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Thursday 1st, February

At André 's House.

André's POV:

"I honestly don't know what to do, can you help me?" I said, I turned my back to Tiffany and noticed she wasn't paying attention at all.

"Tiffany! Are you even paying attention?!"
I said sternly, she was such a daddy's girl...

"André... Of course I wasn't paying attention! Your little chattering was sooo noisy I had to cover my ears. Besides, what does ALL of this have to do with ME?!" Tiffany scoffed, while she was putting lipstick on her lips.

"Yes it does include you, TIFFANY. Because I respectfully need a girl's help for my date for Nikki! Oh, and guess what?! That's YOU! So, you either help me or I will tell dad your being a very disrespectful bit-" I scoffed back.

Before I could finish my sentence, which isn't inappropriate at all. Tiffany rudely interrupted me.

"WAIT!! Okay, fine I'll help you. But you have to spoil me again! Or I'll tell dad your going around school making out with a gu-" Tiffany said...

"SHUT UP. I thought you were going to keep THAT a secret! And you're still a virgin, you can't be talking." I muttered, I was obviously nervous, I didn't want to seem nervous though.

"Alright! I'll keep my mouth shut until I accomplish your little date with that brat NIKKI! And get my money. Deal?!" Tiffany scolded.

"Fine, you've got yourself a deal then." I replied with a frustrated sigh. We didn't usually- Or NEVER did any deals. But this was urgent.

"Yay!! I sometimes DON'T hate you, André! JUST KIDDING, I still loathe you!" Tiffany cackled, and skipped towards her purse.

"I hope you get grounded." I muttered.

"ALRIGHT, when are we getting started?!" Tiffany asked excitedly.

"Right now." I smirked. Which caused Tiffany to groan in frustration.

"RIGHT NOW?! André, are you serious?!" Tiffany shouted dramatically.

I rolled my eyes, and went to the door to get my coat. "Do what you want then, I don't care." I scoffed.

"Fine, I'll give you tips on what girls like. So you could ask Nikki on a date, CORRECTLY." Tiffany sighed.

I turned around and smiled softly. Which... was very awkward of us. So I quickly stopped smiling.

"What's gotten into you, André?! Remember, I'm just helping you for the money!" Tiffany said.

"Okay, okay. I understand." I grumbled.

First, I had to go to a store and buy Nikki some chocolates, and probably a bouquet of roses.

Yeah, I know I was a rich boy. But I honestly didn't know what to buy her, I didn't know EVERYTHING about her.

"You should definitely buy her a few bottles of perfume, she REALLY stinks!" Tiffany giggled.

"Tiffany, this is NOT funny! I'll tell dad how much of a spoiled, ungrateful... B*TCH you are!" I snapped at her.

"ANDRÉ YOU CAN'T DO THAT! UGHHHHH!! YOU'RE SUCH A PAIN. FINE! I won't say anything anymore." Tiffany huffed.

"You better. Now, what else should I buy her.." (André)


Friday 2nd, February

At Brandon's House.

Brandon's POV:

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