2 Boys Fight over 1 Girl.

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Hours passed later, and Andre was starting to hangout more with Nikki everytime. One time, Andre went to the library and spotted Brandon sitting alone at one of the tables while he studied. Andre wanted to know more about him and probably even say rude things to him, and lies to Brandon, that will separate Nikki and Brandon.. "Hey there, Brandon!" He called out, approaching the table where Brandon was sitting. "Mind if I join you?" He asked, trying to sound friendly but a hint of suspicion in his voice.

Brandon carefully looked up at Andre, as he raised an eyebrow. He squinted his eyes in confusion... "No, not at all. There, you can sit." Brandon replied, and made some space for Andre to sit down next to him. "So, what are you studying for?" He asked casually, trying to make small talk. "Hm, French class?" Brandon said, a hint of jealousy in his voice too. He was studying French for a reason.. "Oh, really? That's interesting. I've always found languages fascinating, but never really had the patience for them." He lied smoothly, his eyes flickering around the library. "So, how well do you know Nicole?"

"Since she transferred here, I felt bad for her as Mackenize, you probably don't know her but she is still in this school, it's just that she moved to North Hampton Hills, so Mackenize always used to make fun of Nikki. I felt bad, and realized Mackenize wanted to get me expelled with Nikki's best friends. I also know her from her dorky personality, she is very brave, and she sometimes stands up for me whenever Mackenize teases me a bit too rudely." Brandon said, while he read his French book without looking at Andre. Andre listened intently, nodding along as Brandon spoked. He filed away the information about Nikki, taking note of her personality traits and the situation she was in.

"And, why are you asking?" Brandon asked softly, the same question as Nikki asked, he finally slowly looked at Andre, while he raised an eyebrow. Andre met Brandon's gaze, his heart racing slightly. He took a deep breath and decided to be honest. "I was just curious. I've been interested in getting to know her better myself. I find her...intriguing."

Brandon blinked, and dropped his book to fully face Andre. "Listen, I understand you want to know her better, but something tells me you want Nikki MORE than a friend." Brandon whispered, half glaring at Andre.

Andre's heart raced as he realized that he had been discovered. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his cool. "You're right, I do. But not in the way you think. I just... feel a connection with her, you know?"

Brandon clenched his hands into fists. "You just met her, and you don't even know her like I DO, besides.. you're probably going to use her, or cheat on her like every wealthy boy does in this school." Brandon replied, his voice getting louder as he was now insulting Andre.

Andre felt his face grow hot in anger, but he maintained his composure. "That's not true, and you know it. You're just jealous because you think you're the only one who could take care of her."

"No, that IS true. She likes me way more than she likes YOU, because I just know the way she is always worried about me, and the fact she blushes whenever I'm near her or talking to her. I even kissed her before YOU did!" Brandon snapped, not that angry but proving Andre that he wasn't the only one that Nikki liked. "But that kiss was only a donation for poor children.." Brandon felt embarrassed and muttered. Andre raised an eyebrow, surprised by Brandon's admission. He didn't expect Nikki to react so favorably to him during that situation. However, he couldn't dent the bong they seemed to share together.

"S-Sorry.." Brandon stammered out, and leaned back into his seat. He hated whenever he was rude to people, but Andre definitely deserved it. Just as Nikki said, Brandon was always somewhat shy. "It's alright, Brandon. We all have our moments." Andre said with a reassuring smile. "But seriously, you need to stop thinking that Nicole is some kind of object for you to protect or possess."

"What? I never said that, I only want the good for her. She suffered through a lot and I didn't help, she stood me up a lot of times, but because she had reasons, and was also stressed like me. It's all my fault." Brandon whispered, with a small frown as he stared at his hands on his lap.

Andre sighed and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "Look, Brandon, I'm not saying that you don't mean well."

"We should... probably talk to Nikki, what if she doesn't like either of us?" Brandon whispered again, and looked at Andre with hope. "I don't see why she wouldn't like both of us." Andre replied, trying to sound confident. "We're just trying to be there for her. But if you're really concerned, we can certainly approach her together."

"Sounds like a plan, well let's get going then." Brandon said.

Hours later, Brandon and Andre were walking together to Nikki's locker. Nikki was distracted so Andre cleared his throat to catch her attention for Brandon and himself. "Hey Nicole." Andre said, his heart racing a bit. "We wanted to talk to you about something." He gestured to Brandon, who smiled nervously. Nikki jumped slightly, but smiled at both of them. "Nikki, I've liked you since I met you...But since Andre came here, I've been noticing that you probably like him more and not me." Brandon explained, as he frowned nervously. "I-I...You really like me back? Like, MORE than just a friend?!" Nikki replied back, her voice slightly shaky and excited. "Well, I DO like you too...But I've also been crushing on Andre lately.."

"Oh." Andre said, his face falling a bit. He hadn't expected that confession. "I see... Well, I guess we all just have to figure this out together, huh?"

"Y-Yeah... I didn't expect you to like both of us, Nikki." Brandon replied shyly.

"Well, I'm not saying I don't like you too, Brandon." Andre said, trying to sound reassuring. "It's just... complicated." He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "W-What do you mean?" Brandon asked softly, his cheeks turning redder. "I mean.." Andre said, feeling a bit uncomfortable under Brandon's gaze. "I think I might be... into guys." He bit his lip nervously, hoping they wouldn't freak out on him. (LMFAO gay ass) Nikki gasped softly, and Brandon just blinked, as he was quite surprised. "R-Really? So you're saying... that you LIKE me? That means, if we all like each other, we can probably form a polyamorous relationship!" Brandon replied, as he looked both at Nikki and Andre with a big smile.

"Yeah." Andre said, nodding slowly. "I think that might work." He felt a weight lift off his shoulders, finally feeling like he could be himself without judgment. "What do you think, Nicole?" He asked, turning to look at her.

As both looked at her, waiting for her response, while Nikki was screaming and doing her "Happy Dance" in her head, she was bright red as a tomato! "Y-YEAH! Sounds good, guys.." Nikki stammered out, snapping out from her daydreaming. "Okay." Andre said, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. "So, we're all on the same page. Now, what do we want to do next?" He glanced between Brandon and Nikki, wondering how they wanted to proceed with this newfound revelation.

"We should definitely hang out, in a Cafe, or an amusement park, Circus, Festival, Aquarium, or even at a Museum!" Brandon exclaimed, as he had a dorky smile plastered on his face. "Yeah, I like those ideas." Andre agreed. "How about we start with the amusement park? I've never been there before, and it seems like fun." He grinned nervously, still not quite sure how to react around Brandon and Nikki, now that they know his secret.

Creador: Ethan (Spanish)

¡Hola! Para la gente que hablé español, a la próxima estoria. ¡Les podré escribir una estoria SOLO pare ustedes! Soy hispano, pero lo malo es que no se tanto como escribir en español. Por eso me gustaría mejorar :D

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