prank o day. chapter 1

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Poppy's pov:

"Ahh!! Today is prank o day!! Viva viva viva viva viva viva VIVA!" Viva woke up and rubbed her eyes "what in the actual jellybean are you waking me up for poppy?" Viva asked "TODAY IS PRANK O DAY!! THE DAY WHERE WE ALL GET TO PRANK EACHOTHER!!!" I screamed "OOOH YEAH!! IM READY" viva yelled, "viva! Sorry for waking you so early by the way! Here!! Have some peanut brittle!" I told viva, i was gonna prank her "ooo peanut! Let me try-" when she opened the lid gummy worms jumped out "AAAAAH!" viva screamed "Hahahahhaahhaha!!! Pranked you!" I laughed out loud, viva tried one of the gummy worms "hey atleast these taste good!"

I went out to find branch

"Branch! Branchifer!! Branch!! BRANCH!!" branch walked up to me "what poppy?" I held a prank flower with a cuckoo bird in it "here! I made you a flower from paper!" I gave the flower to branch "oh than-" then the cuckoo bird came out of the flower "AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! WHAT THE FU*bleep* ???!!" i bursted out laughing when i heard branch "BAHAHAHAH! happy prank o day branch!!" Branch took the fake paper cuckoo birds and crumpled it "poppy. You know im deadly afraid to birds" branch like his moody self told me "i know but its pretty funny seeing you get pranked!"

J.d's pov:

"BRO MEETING! BRO MEETING!" I yelled in our bunker causing floyd and clay to run down "WHAT?? WHAT IS IT?!!" clay yelled "today is prank o day again.. and we still dont know what branch is afraid of!" I grumbled "um i- i heard poppy prank branch and he screamed very loud.. and i heard him say: poppy. You know im deadly afraid to birds" clay and i grinned "great job younger bro! Now lets build a giant scary bird to prank branch with!!" Floyd grew worried a bit "but branch said he was DEADLY afraid of birds!" Floyd told us "dont worry he is an adult! He can get over it" i told floyd to calm him down

After we finished the giant bird puppet

"Wooh! Finally done!! Lets get branch. Hide the bird" clay and floyd agreed and they hid the bird with a brown blanket, "bitty b! Hey? Where are you branch!" Then i saw branch sitting on a log "trying to prank me again?" Branch said nonchaluntly "no! Of course not. We practically gave up but we wanna see if you will be scared of this one!! Go to the bunker." Branch followed me as we went to the bunker, the lights closed. Bramch gasped "hey who turned off the lights??" Then the lights turned on and the giant bird puppet was visible then grabbed branch "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! NO NO NO!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Branch was screaming so much that he started crying and we except floyd laughed "HAHAHAHAHAH!!! GOT YOU!" branch was still crying and breathing so raspily, my ears drooped, and my knees fell. I was covering my face, floyd helped branch "oh you will get over it. Your an adult" clay replied

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