broken mirror's chapter 3

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Branch's pov:

I saw myself on top of a cliff. I was grey, completely, i had so many scars/scatches/wounds/and blood all over me, and i prepared to jump. And i woke up, it was all a nightmare. I was sweating, i was shaking. I felt so... weak.. "i should get some water.." i said in the softest tone, after i used the elavator to go down to the kitchen i got myself a glass of water. I drank it and while i was drinking it a knife in the countertop accidentally cut my foot, i choked on the water from the pain but it felt. Good.. so i picked up the knife and held it to my wrist

"No.. im not actually gonna do this..." then i glanced at my foot "but the feeling... i need to feel it again.." i then sliced my wrist, it started bleeding everywhere. I felt like a maniac then i started slicing more and more into my wrists "wait.. but then my brothers will see my bloody foot and wrists.. damn it i should have thought this through..." i grabbed a towel and wiped the blood of my wrists and foot. The cuts were still visible "know what do i do with these? Ah. I know" i silently clean the knife and went back to my room, i searched my closet and found my jacket and some red socks, i wore them so that the others dont find my scars

Then i slept comfortably in my bed and then i woke up to loud rain outside the hideout "mhh.. hmm?" I mumbled "oh branch your up?" Floyd questioned "mhmm" i nodded my head slightly "did you feel cold last night? Because your wearing fluffy socks and a hoodie" floyd told me "uh- m- ... yeah.." i lied but it was really cold though "heh.. i can relate." Floyd sips some of his chai while reading a book

"... thirsty.." i muttered "your thirtsty? Ok i will go get some water, stay here okay?" Floyd told me "mmk" i mumbled as floyd went down the elavator to the kitchen, after he left i checked on my scars. They were still there, i went and grabbed a sharpened pencil from my drawers and started stabbing my wrists again. Then i heard the elavator go up so i quickly hid the bloody pencil under my mattress and i pulled my sleeves to cover my wrists and floyd set the glass of water on my bedside table, i drank the water and went back to sleep. And later on i woke up again with some chicken noodle soup on my desk, i was only a little bit hungry so i picked it up

"Wh.. why is this.. here...?" I stared at the bowl "i made it. That soup can help you heal in no time" floyd told me "wait.. wh..ere are j.d and.. clay?" I questioned "oh they are taking rhonda to visit bruce, i stayed to help take care of you" i took some sips of the soup before getting full and i drifted back to sleep. Jeez when am i gonna stop sleeping?

In the middle of the night i woke up agaim from the same nightmare, once again i was panting and sweating so i went to the bathroom to wash my face. I saw the mirror and i saw myself, my hair was turning darker and darker. "Whats happening... what.. what.. what!" I clenched my fists and i punched the mirror, the mirror broke to a thousand pieces "oh god.. what did i do??" I saw the blood in my fist and didnt want anyone to worry. "I should rinse the blood off of me.." i rinsed my hand under warm water. Luckily it rinsed all the blood off so i went back to bed hoping that i wont do that again

No ones pov:

Next morning j.d was shouting "AAAAHH! WHO THE FUCK BROKE THE MIRROR?" clay and floyd approached j.d "stop yelling! You will wake branch up again!" Floyd told j.d "sorry- but who broke the mirror??" Everyones eyes was on clay "dont look at me! I didnt break it, i was out with viva" then clay and j.d turned to floyd "i was with branch the whole time!" Floyd stated "well if it wasnt both of you who- ... wait..." they all turned to branch who was holding his fist while sleeping "branch?" Branch was still sleeping so they gently woke him up "branch." J.d asked branch, branch slowly woke up and saw j.d "hmm..?" Branch mumbled "did.. you break the mirror last night?" J.d asked seriously "...y-yeah.. sorry..." branch confessed "branch the mirror was so expensive ya know? But its fine fine fine.. we will buy a new one if we have the money"

And little did they know. Branch secretely took a glass shard and hid it in his pocket to use every night

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