deadly coughing chapter 7

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Author:hi yall srry for the one month delay i was just running out of ideas😭😭 and i have been using my imagination to try and- work things eith my current situation and if it sucks sue me

branch's pov:

After i woke up from the alcohol incident i saw my brothers by the couch just doing their own thing, clay was reading a book about how to be a better cpa. John was sleeping, floyd is watering his plant, and bruce is was no where to be seen. Must probably on vacation island to be with his wife, i was still lightheaded from that alcohol bottle so i felt like i should drift back to sleep. Until i realized "why should i go back to sleep? I get nightmares by doing so.." i thought to myself so i pulled myself off the bed and wore my usual green leafy vest that floyd gave me before he left

As i stepped into the elavator floyd just so happened to be watering the plants next the elavator "hey branch where you going?" Floyd asked "just gonna hang out with poppy if shes not busy" i told floyd since that what i felt like i need to do, "ah. Ok have fun and dont get hurt ok branch?" Floyd said "no promises" i said as a joke as i pulled the lever

As i ascended to the top i found poppy swinging by her tree branch as usual. I walked up to her and as she saw me she let go and hugged me "BRANCH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" poppy yelled relievingly (... is that even a word?) "Ah- poppy not too tight please- i cant breath" i told poppy since she was practically squeezing me like a fidget toy "sorry branch! I just didnt see you in 2 days" poppy told me "2 days? Have i really been sleeping that long?" I asked "probably" poppy told me as she grabbed my hand to go to a cafe shop. They had cakes, muffins, cupcakes, lollipops, candies, and many other sweets and some coffee.

She told me what i was gonna order "i will just get some coffee i dont really like sweets," i told poppy "oh ok! I will have a blueberry muffin, that rainbow cupcake, a slize of cheesecake, a rainbow crepe cake, some candies, and a fruit punch!" She said. I wonder if she could eat that much, and when we got our food i drank my coffee. Worst mistake of my life, it felt like my whole body was on fire. And i think poppy noticed me because she was eating so much sweets "poppy be right back!" I told poppy and i walked out of the store trying to act calm as i walk to the back of the store to throw up

I coughed and coughed till i realized. "Blood?" I was coughing blood, i wiped my mouth and went back in to not worry poppy "sorry poppy heh.. i accidentally drank the coffee while its hot.." i told her as an excuse "oh thats ok branch everyone has experience that" poppy said giving me a smile as she continued eating

After 6 minutes after what felt like an eternity i went back to the brozone hideout to my room. I went to my bathroom and took a quick look at a mirror, "why.. am.. i pale..?" I told myself "oh no everyone is gonna be so worried about me! Bruce will have to leave his family again for me!! Oh god.." i washed my face with some water. Probably shouldnt had done that because now i started coughing up blood again, i felt like i was gonna faint.. "no it cant end like this... right? No no no"

I went back to bed to try and sleep it off but my coughing got everyones attention, they allqent in my room "branch whats wron-"floyd gasped "branch.. y-your" floyd said "YOU MOUTH!!" Jd yelled i touched my mouth and i realized. Blood was on my mattress and it stained my mouth

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