branch's can feel pain chapter 2

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This chapter will mostly be just branch and floyd's pov's

Branch's pov:

I was pacing around my room (in my au the brothers used the old rooms that branch used for storage as their own rooms now) in our bunker not falling asleep, the time was 3 am and i havent slept in 2 days. Even a simple door creaking i will freak out, how did they find out my fear of birds? I locked myself in my door and was hiding under my blanket

"i cant sleep.. now i wont sleep.. i dont need to sleep.." my eyes wide open, ears drooped, and my right arm hugging my knees while my left arm held my hair. "Wh..what if they use a real bird for the next prank o day??" I clench my hair harder "thats right... i just need to get over it and i will be okay.. right? Right?? Why cant i though?? I dont feel good.. i dont feel right.. what is wrong with me? Why am i... cold..? Why do i feel so... weak? Why... why... why...?" My eyes get heavy "i dont need sleep... i never needed sleep... i... i.." then i passed out

Floyd's pov:

While i was sleeping i heard a thump in branch's room, i instantly woke up and went to see if he was okay. The door wouldnt budge but luckily his keys to his room was on my desk so i opened it and found branch on the floor "oh- maybe he fell of the bed.. come now lets get you back up" i picked up branch and placed him back in bed "you shouldnt scare me like that you know..?" Then i closed the door (the reason floyd could see branch was because he has a nightlight, it was a gift from poppy) then i peacefully went back to sleep

In the morning i woke up but it was a bit too quiet, normally branch would have been drinking some coffee by now.. but weirdly when i look at him drinking coffee his eyes was wide open and it looked like he didnt sleep in so long so i opened his door to check how he is "braaanch?" Then i realized he was sleeping still, and i walked over to him and i noticed he was sweating so i removed the blanket a bit only to notice branch start shivering "huh.. thats weird" i place my hand on his forehead and "GAH!-" i close my mouth and started blowing on my hand "fuu fuu fuu!" It was crazy hot "oh my god.. whats wrong with him? I need to find a med book asap" i checked his books and i found a med book next to some med kits "perfect. Now lets go check on branch" i read the book while walking around branch's room and i realized "he has a fever..??" I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a towel, i grabbed some ice cubes and placed them in the water

I then dipped the towel in the cold water and brought the little tub of cold water and towel to branch's room, i placed the tub in branch's desk and i squeezed the excess water from the towel and placed it on his forehead. And i sat on the chair next to his bed and read a book that i snatched, Ooo the boy's undying love for the princess? Wow does branch have good taste.." (i made the book up) as i started reading the book and when i was still in chapter 48 i heard a yell "bros! breakfast is ready!" J.d shouted, i went down to the kitchen "hey where is bitty b?" J.d told me "he is still sleeping and he isnt feeling well" i told them "what??" Clay and j.d asked "yeah.. i dont know why, he is resting in his room. He has a fever" i told them "ok after we finish eating we will go to branch's room" clay told us "yes" j.d said "i will get some water for him too" i told them "Ok" clay said

After breakfast we went up there. I took a glass of water for branch incase he gets thirsty, j.d and clay saw branch "he looks horrible!" J.d said "maybe if you guys didnt do that stupid prank he would never had ended up like this.." i whispered and i think clay heard that "hey the prank wasnt stupid! It was funny!!" Clay argued "well not to him! He was probably traumatized and hadn't been sleeping!" I argued back, j.d took clays side "well we didnt know he was this dramatic" j.d told me "HE IS NOT BEING DRAMATIC! he said he was DEADLY afraid to birds. You heard that?? DEADLY! So this is the consequence of our actions!"

Branch's pov:

I woke up to floyd, j.d, and clay arguing. I rubbed my eyes and felt a little weight over my head, i touched it to find a wet towel "wh-..whats going on..." i mumbled, floyd noticed me waking up "branch!" He went and hugged me "what.. is happpening...?" I asked floyd "sorry branch just forget what happened earlier but your sick.. you cant get out of bed" floyd told me "yeah little bro. You need to rest" j.d told me "yea your not looking too well to be up, you need to rest" clay told me "but.. i need to... help the others..!" I told them "no you dont. You dont need to, just stay and rest.. have some water to stay hydrated" floyd gave me a glass of water while i drank it, "also you need to swallow these pills. They are medicines" floyd told me, i took the pills and swallowed them. They tasted obviously gross but it was for my own good, clay left earlier to get me some food and after he got the food he placed it on my desk "you need to eat. Your body needs nutrients, carbodehydrates, vitamins, and protein. It doesnt matter how small the food portion you eat is, just eat please." I took a spoon then ate a little peice of the breakfast and i went full so i placed the plate on my desk, then i started feeling drowsy again "im.. tired.." i said, floyd was sitting in the chair next to my bed "you can rest in your bed. Just rest" then i fell asleep

Poppy's pov:

I was skipping around troll village to the "brozone hideout", thats what branch's brothers called branch's bunker from now so i knocked on the mat "hellooo can i come in?" Clay opened the mat-door "woohoo! Is branch awake?" I asked clay "umm actually poppy. Branch is resting" clay told me "resting? What do you mean? Do you mean sleeping?" I asked clay "no poppy. Branch is sick and he is resting in his bed" clay told me "SICK?! oh my god!! I need to see him!!" I ran to branch's room and knocked on it. Floyd answered "is branch ok?" I asked floyd "he is doing well but he needs to heal, he is still sleeping in his bed." Floyd told me "oh.. ok but tell me if he gets better please?" I told floyd "of course! I hope he gets better too but hope for the best ok?" Floyd told me "yes, bye" after floyd gently closed the door i walked back to troll village, "will he ever get better again?"

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