secret diary chapter 5

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Branch's pov:

I was laying in bed and i felt the urge to go write on my diary again, the past days when i was sick i had wrote a diary. (Author: right now when branch's pov was him writing his diary) i was under my blanket when the floyd was busy reading a book, i was faced away from him so he wouldnt notice me writing something. after i was done writing on my diary yesterday i left the diary under my mattress, perfect hiding spot right? I am writing this at night using a nightlight. I am currently in the kitchen but earlier, until floyd gave me some medicines again. I ate them like always and then after i took a nap after eating the medicine i felt floyds hand over me head

"Branch your free to go now! Your healed, your not sick anymore" i squint my eyes then opened them fully "im healed? Can i go out now?" I told floyd "yep just dont go to the forest without telling us ok? And also dont apply too much pressure on your wounds" floyd told me "ok, i will go meet up with poppy" then i went to troll village, i needed to get something off my chest and poppy was the closest person i know. My brothers left me for 20 years thats why i trust poppy more, when i was walking i found poppy talking with guy diamond about tiny diamond.

Poppy saw me "BRANCH!!" she shouted happily obviously and hugged me tight "hey poppy- not too tight! My wounds will bust-" then poppy let me go "sorry sorry but do you need to tell me anything?" Poppy told me "poppy. I, i didnt tell my brothers yet.." i answered "why not? They are your brothers!" Poppy said "well, you already know im not into sharing feelings except its you since you were the only one there for me after my grandma died and my brothers left me" i said "why arent you into sharing them??" Poppy asked "im afraid that they will think that im being dramatic.."

"No! Of course they wont" poppy told me "yeah. I kmow that but my gut is telling me that i shouldnt tell them" i told poppy "then maybe ignore your gut?" Poppy answered "poppy. Trying to ignore my gut is like trying to ignore a head-ache" i told poppy "ok but you need to tell them, even if your gut says no" "err.. umm ok, thanks poppy" i walked off after poppy said goodbye. I go to a part of troll village where only i know and would go to if my bunker was filled with other trolls "no no no poppy you do not get it! I cant tell them! What if they think im being dramatic? Its embarrasing!! And what if they tell me "grow up"?? I grew but my mind is still the same!!" I then saw j.d calling out for me "shit shit shit shit! I cant get noticed" i hide behind a big rock

After j.d left i was breathing heavily, then i heard a crack in the forest "whos there??" I shouted "wh- what the fu-*bleep*?" I realized my legs were shaking "im not scared! Im prepared!! I cant get scared.." then i heard another crack "uuhh!! No no nope! Not today" i ran towards my bunker, when the elavator went down i acted like i didnt run a mile. I went straight to the kitchen, i grabbed a glass of water and drank it. It felt a little bit better but i felt the horrible gut feeling again.. i went on my bed and drifted to sleep

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