drunken blue chapter 6

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Branch's pov:

I went and decided to take a walk in the forest, and i forgot to tell floyd where i was going. While i was walking i heard a snap from a twig, "whos there??" I shouted holding a rock. The noises were too much and it felt like someone is watching me, "UH.. NO NO..!" i run but i tripped again by cloud guys pranks. "Sh*bleep*!" My wounds open and my bandages went from a nice white to a dirty brown and red but i kept running, until i finally got out of the forest. I was panting, i held my chest. It felt wet from the blood and i didnt wanna worry my brothers so i slowly got in our hideout and quietly went in my room, i saw more bandages in my bedside table from floyd so i used those. I removed my dirty red bandages and replaced them with cleaner ones,

After i was done wrapping the newer bandages i felt sharp pains in my chest, back, foot, wrists, and my head. I went out again and took a look at troll vilage to see what i can do until i saw a sign that says 'drink the pain away!' As an ad for alcohol, pain away.. those words echoed thru my head so i went to the store and bought some alcohol. Weird how it didnt come with instructions on how to drink it, i went to my secret spot again and popped the bottle open. I took a sniff and it was strong "how can people like this stuff? Well.. if this is the only way to make the pain go away..." i drank some. It tasted bitter and i felt woozy and good this is was that it was making my body numb

"So this is what they meant by drink the pain away" i couldnt feel the pain in my body and it was great. I felt better so i kept drinking, until im almost losing conciousness so i close the bottle and left it there for tomorrow. I struggled to keep my balance as i went to our hideout but i went down the elavator to my room, i found floyd inside of my room. Well great he found my bloody bandages "branch? Why is the bandages so bloody??" He glared at me "i went back to the forest.. and i fell..." (present branch: well atleast thats what floyd said when i told him because i lost myself in that time and i couldnt remember it) floyd gasped "what?? Why didnt you tell me earlier!? Wait.." he realized one of my eye was heavy and i couldnt stand straight "branch." Floyd asked "what did you do." Floyd asked "i.. d-.." floyd could smell the alcohol from me since the scent was so strong "branch! You cant drink alcohol its bad for you!!" Floyd yelled but in a concerned tone

"But.. i felt pain so... i drank the pain away.." i blurted out of drunkeness. Floyd let out a sigh "branch you cant drink the pain away, if you drink more alcohol you will get more pain than usual!" Floyd said, i couldnt stand straight and i almost fell on the floor until floyd catched me "lets get you into bed.." floyd carried me to my bed and i instantly fell asleep. In the morning i felt more pain in my chest and my throat burned like hell "AH!- it hurts.." i held my neck but i didnt wanna seem vulnerable to my brothers so i tried to stand straight and played it cool as i went down to the kitchen for my morning coffee

But i didnt feel like drinking it, but its too act normal. So i went and brewed myself a coffee while clay was watching tv, j.d was outside with rhonda and floyd was watering some flowers he brought after his rescue. After my coffee was done i took a sip and i felt a sharp pain my stomach, i placed my coffee on the counter and i clutched my stomach, i felt like i need to puke. Floyd noticed me and ruhed towards me "branch this is why you shouldnt drink alcohol! Come i will help you go to the bathroom" floyd helped me go to the bathroom and i puked in the toilet bowl

"You shouldnt had drank that." Floyd told me. I felt a little better but i got a raging head ache, i held my head and floyd notices "you ok?" Floyd asked "head.. hurts..." was all i could say before i felt my body ache and i wouldnt move. Floyd carried me to my bed and placed me on it "branch from now on you should tell me what your gonna do so this wont happen again" floyd told me "overprotective much?" I blurted out "hey im not overprotective, im your big brother and your practically killing yourself when ever no one is watching you" floyd told me. Then i tried focusing on sleeping instead

I cant get hurt in my dreams right? After i was no longer sick i stopped having those nightmares, i felt my head ache again and i tried to bare it. But i cant, i held my head and i curled up into a ball until floyd came to check up on me "branch? Whats wrong?" Floyd asked me "head.. aches.." i mumbled "headaches? Dont hold your head too hard ok? Just lay down." I layed down and i fell asleep instead of the head ache going away

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