5: 𝔔𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰

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  A week passed much quicker than either of them liked. Nikolai stood next to Fyodor at the front gates of their school as they waited for Fyodor's mother to arrive. "It's strange... you're only going to be gone for a couple of weeks but I feel like you're never coming back." Nikolai mumbled, looking down at his feet. Fyodor looked over to him with an equally melancholic look. "I'm sure it will be fine." Though he wasn't really sure of that. Even before struggling with his religious identity, Fyodor had never been close to his family.

  The two exchanged a silent glance as they spotted a black car pull up the driveway. The window rolled down and a woman of about forty with the same dark hair as Fyodor spoke. "Fyodor don't make me come out there to get you. This awful weather makes my joints stiff." Her voice was beautiful, Nikolai noticed, but the way she spoke carried no warmth. "Yes mother..." Fyodor didn't even say goodbye as he climbed into the car with his things. His mother briefly gazed at Nikolai, sending a cold shiver down his spine before rolling up the window and driving off.


  "Who was that boy?" Fyodor's mother asked as they drove. Fyodor has to keep from flinching at her question. "Just a school friend." He replied calmly. His mother frowned slightly from the front seat. "He looked like he was homeless." "He's just...eccentric mother. As well as the second brightest student at our school." He added in attempts to have Nikolai leave a better first impression. "Hmph." She scoffed in response. "Are you two close then?" "No, not really." He lied.

  When they arrived home, Fyodor was surprised to see another car in their driveway. "Your grandparents decided to visit as well." His mother answered before he could even open his mouth. Fyodor couldn't ignore the way his stomach turned. His grandmother was even more probing than his mother. She would waste no time in asking him all about his studies. Which he didn't mind, seeing as how the two of they had helped pay for him to attend school. But now that his mother had seen Nikolai she would, without a doubt, mention him. Which would in turn excite his grandmother's curiosity. He dreaded having to dodge all the questions she would almost certainly ask about him as he stepped out of the car. He dragged his suitcase to the door and after noticing it was unlocked went inside.

  Before he knew what was happening his grandmother ran over, squished his face a considerable amount, and kissed his cheek. "Oh, it's so good to finally see you again маленький! You're so thin, have you been eating well?" She spoke hurriedly, continuing to feel Fyodor's lean face. "Yes бабушка." He answered, though he really hadn't. Unless Nikolai had reminded him to he often forgot to eat. "Why don't you let the poor boy sit down first before you berate him with questions?" A loud voice which Fyodor quickly recognized as his grandfather's sounded from the kitchen.


  "Your father won't be back until late I'm afraid." His mother informed him as she passed out cups of tea to the four of them. Fyodor nodded in response before beginning to drink. It was all he could do to distract himself from the ever-present pit in his stomach. As he'd anticipated, his grandparents asked him a multitude of questions about school. Over all, things were going smoothly. "So tell me," his grandfather started, leaning gently forward in his chair. "A boy your age must have a friend or two no?" Ah, there it was. "Well, I-" "He does, yes." His mother interrupted. "What was his name again? Nicholas?" Fyodor had to stop himself from cringing. "It's Nikolai. And we're acquainted."

  His grandmother was practically glowing. "It's so nice to know you finally have someone to talk to." She smiled, sipping her tea. Fyodor wondered as to what she meant by that. "What church does he attend, do you know?" "I'm afraid I don't... I can ask him sometime." He already knew she would have more questions so he continued. "He's a  year younger than I am but very bright. Very witty too I have to admit." He added with a giggle. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his mother's eyebrow raise curiously. Fyodor quickly composed himself. "As nice as it is that you're doing well in academics...I'm not sure how to put this." His grandmother took another drink before continuing. "Aren't you ever going to get yourself a girlfriend?" Fyodor choked on his tea. 

  While he was coughing his grandfather spoke up. "That's enough Любовь моя. He's only 16, there's still plenty of time for him to find a nice woman to settle down with." Fyodor sat back up, his eyes watery from coughing so hard. His grandmother scoffed."Hmph, I suppose. Well it won't be too hard for him to find a nice girl. After all, he's so handsome, isn't he Maria?" Fyodor's mother looked up from her untouched cup of tea. "Hm? Oh yes, of course..." she mumbled. Fyodor couldn't hide slight frown that made its way onto his face. "It's getting late, I should really get some rest." He announced, faking a yawn. "Yes yes, go on then." His grandmother responded, gently shooing him up from his seat. "You'll need it if we're to make it to the early liturgy tomorrow." He almost tripped as she said this. Of course, how could he forget? "Are you feeling well? You've been quite clumsy today, it's unlike you..." his mother added, looking him up and down. "Yes, just tired. Goodnight." Fyodor replied, walking promptly upstairs so as not to be questioned further.


  As he lay in bed Fyodor found himself unable to rest. How could he have forgotten tomorrow was Sunday? He tossed and turned worrying about what tomorrow would bring before he finally reached for his phone. Opening up his messages he looked at the very few contacts registered before pressing on Nikolai's, sending one simple message before going to sleep.

I miss you.



I obviously included some Russian words in this chapter but I don't actually speak it at all so I got all my translations online. That being said they're probably at least slightly inaccurate, but here are the translations:

маленький (little one)

бабушка (grandmother)

Любовь моя (my love)

If anyone actually speaks the language and knows of a more accurate translation I would be open to receiving it!

(also according to google Maria was Fyodor's mother's name, I rlly tried to make this accurate *sobs*)

𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔟𝔢 𝔴𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔤 (𝔉𝔶𝔬𝔩𝔞𝔦)Where stories live. Discover now