Chapter 7:

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@ torikellyMommy daughter date with my favorite girl in the world

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@ torikelly
Mommy daughter date with my favorite girl in the world. She picked out my entire outfit after nearly destroying my closet, my favorite girl in the whole world. I thought I'd personally introduce my beautiful daughter to you all, my fans. @ AverieLorenKelly-Murillo her account is managed by me and my husband, yes she is biologically me and André's child, my birth story is on my YouTube channel.

Tori "are you ready for today, just me and you", Averie "yeah. Mommy before we go can I talk to you about something important", Tori "of course baby", Tori took her to her room. Tori "what's going on", Averie "sometimes I feel down and bad about myself", Tori "what? Why", Averie "at beginning of the school year I started getting bullied", Tori "why haven't you told me or daddy this before", Averie "because I was scared", Tori "scared of what", Averie "I don't know", Tori "hold on, let me see your wrists", Averie "no", Tori "Averie Loren Kelly, how long have you been doing this", Averie "a few months", Tori's eyes started watering, Tori "why baby", Averie "they pick me on me so much. Call me names, laugh at me, make fun of me", Tori "you don't ever sit here and allow someone to walk over you. Are you adopted", Averie "no", Tori "you are beautiful, you are smart, you are kind, you are intelligent, you are precious, you are brave, you are talented. You are worth it, and you are everything I ever wanted in a daughter. If I have to tell you this everyday then I will, because you are beautiful. You don't ever listen to the bad things people are saying about you, because it doesn't matter. How you feel about yourself is something you show, don't let no one make you feel bad", Averie "I'm sorry", Tori "you don't have nothing to be sorry for, I love you mija", Averie "I love you too mommy", Tori "now are you ready to go on our mother daughter date", Averie "yeah", Tori "when we do get back home later I have to tell daddy about the cutting on your wrists", Averie "okay".
The two of them went to the mall. Averie "mommy can I get a build a bear", Tori "yeah but before we leave the car I wanted to tell you why mommy's been so moody lately and why I've been acting a bit weird. So remember when you caught me throwing up", Averie "yeah", Tori "mommy has a baby in her tummy", Averie "a baby in your tummy", Tori "yeah. Do you know what that means"? Averie "that I'm gonna be a big sister", Tori "yeah, are you excited", Averie started crying, and then hugged her mom. Tori "aww don't cry baby", Tori kissed her daughter on the head. Tori "hey I have an idea, you could make a bear and mommy's gonna make one so we can surprise daddy with the news", Averie "can I pick out the bear though", Tori "of course baby. Let's go", they headed inside the store. Tori " which bear are you gonna choose", Averie "I want the stitch one", Tori "and which one should I get to surprise daddy", Averie "the teddy bear", Tori "okay come on let's get them stuffed", after getting the bears stuffed, they got the sounds, and other things for the bears. Tori paid for them, then they left. Tori "where do you wanna go now", Averie "can we go to Pandora", Tori "wanna go get matching bracelets", Averie "yeah", Tori and Averie picked out their bracelets and the charms for them, and after leaving the store. "Oh my gosh you're Tori Kelly", Tori "hi", "could I please have a photo with you", Tori "of course sweetie", Averie "mommy can we go to the clothing store", Tori "yeah", Averie "mommy I think that girl over there took a picture of me", Tori got a bit upset, Tori "I'm sorry but did you photograph my daughter", "um it was just a picture or two", Tori "but you never take pictures of someone without permission, that's just wrong. There is a reason I don't exploit my child", "I'm sorry I didn't mean to", Tori "delete the pictures", "but it's for a new exhibit of mine", Tori "delete the photos, photos taken of my daughter will not be allowed in public without my permission or my husband's permission", Tori watched as the photographer deleted the photos. Tori "where do you wanna go now baby", Averie "I'm hungry momma", Tori "let's go to the food court then. Do you know what you want", Averie "mommy", Tori "yes baby", Averie "do they have the chicken teriyaki that we get all the time", Tori "they do have that. Is that what you want", Averie "yeah mommy", Tori "okay come on", they walked over to the food court to order their food. Once getting their food, Tori "wanna pick a spot for us to eat", Averie "what about their momma", Tori "yeah, let's go baby", the two of them sat down together at the food court and had their food. Tori "so I was thinking how would you like to be in one of mommy's music videos", Averie "wait really. But I thought you didn't wanna me to be out in the public eye", Tori "I don't. But I'm not forcing this on you. If you want to you are more than welcome to be in my music video, you'll have an outfit like me, same hair and makeup. You could sing a verse or two. And if you don't want to be in it that is totally fine as well. This is something that you could decide on", Averie "what does daddy think", Tori "daddy says he's okay with it, and he wants you to do whatever makes you happy", Averie "I want to be in your music video", Tori "okay cool", Averie "mommy could you take me to get some new clothes", Tori "sure let's finish eating first", the two of them finally finished their food. Tori "what store do you wanna go to", Averie "hm", Tori "do you want any shoes while we're out", Averie "could I get the pink Nikes and the ugg slippers", Tori "yeah let's go", Tori took Averie to the two pair of shoes she asked for and then they went clothes shopping. After their shopping trip, they finally got back home.
Later that day
André "who", Tori "I don't know, some girls at the school. She just told me that they've been bullying her. She has cuts on her wrists, like slits", André "did you talk to anyone in the school about this", Tori "how could I? I just found out about this. She was scared to tell me, like literally scared to tell me that she was being bullied. Babe she even starves herself at school to prevent the bullies from picking on her at lunch", André "I'm gonna go walk the dogs", Tori "okay", Tori was watching a movie while chatting with JoJo when she started to hear crying coming from her daughter's room. Tori "hey could I call you back, I think something is wrong with my daughter. I could hear her crying", JoJo "you have her call me. I will beat anybody up for my baby", Tori "I know you will. I'll call you back", JoJo "okay", Tori hung up the phone and went to her daughter's bedroom. She found her daughter buried in her pillow, Tori shut off the music, Tori "whats going on in here", she sat on the bed. Tori "Averie Loren Kelly what's going on", Averie "go away mommy", Tori "are you crying, what's going on", Averie got up and hugged her mom tightly, Averie "they keep bullying me mommy", Tori "shhh", Tori cradled her in her arms, her crying eventually died down, and Tori finally got her to sleep after almost struggling for a few minutes. Tori placed her under the covers, then left the room. André "are you okay baby", Tori "no not really", André "what's going on love", Tori "those damn girls", André "what now", Tori "they Lee bullying her, I'm tired of it. I really fucking am, I really am, I just rocked her to sleep because she was crying hysterically. She can't keep dealing with this. I'm not gonna be okay if she ends up in the hospital because of what's going on. I'm done with it, I'm not gonna sit here and allow her to be bullied, picked on, traumatized, none of that. I can't stand it, she's been bullied for no reason. She's not adopted, she's a beautiful girl, I don't get why our daughter is suffering from all this bull crap", André "do you want me to go to the school to make a report", Tori "yeah", André "why don't we just homeschool her", Tori "I don't know. That's something we have to discuss", André "and we will baby. But think about it, I know you are in the recording studio a lot but she could be with you, doing her school work. She'll be taken care of if she's with one of us. I really don't trust your mom right now because of when she hit you", Tori "yeah, we haven't really talked yet about that", André "is she gonna apologize for what she did to you", Tori "I don't know but I don't wanna talk about it. But on the meantime I did have a surprise for you but we will wait until tomorrow because Averie wanted to see your reaction", André "let's go to bed then", Tori "okay", there was a knock at the door. André "who could that be at this time of night", Tori "I don't know. I'll get it", Tori went to answer the door. Tori "mom. What are you doing here, it's late". André "babe, are you good", Tori "I'll be fine, I'll meet you in the room in a bit", André "okay", Tori "what are you doing here mom"? Laura "I came here to say I'm sorry", Tori "sorry for what, for hitting me in front of my child, for laying a hand on me, for disrupting my daughter's birthday party", Laura "all of them, and for being a lousy mother to you. I shouldn't have put my hand on you, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was wrong for coming out to you that way. I really didn't wanna do that to you", Tori "I accept your apology but you need to also apologize to my husband and my daughter", Laura "yes but I'll come back tomorrow for that. I really needed to apologize to you", Tori "okay. Thanks for apologizing to me", Laura "I love you baby", Tori "I love you too mom", the two of them hugged. Tori "I'll see you tomorrow", Laura "okay", after taking a quick shower together, André and Tori went to bed.

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