Chapter 10:

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Tori took JoJo to the guest room, Tori "you'll be staying in here", JoJo "okay, is my niece still sleeping", Tori "yeah, I'm letting her sleep in, with her being sick the last few days, she hasn't been able to sleep properly", JoJo "understandable, so I heard you had some news for me", Tori "yeah, good news. I'm having a baby boy", JoJo "oh my gosh, Tori that's great", Tori "yeah", JoJo "where's André", Tori "at the gym, and then he's going to the supermarket", JoJo "oh my goodness. I saw your new music video, and Averie. My gosh, does she have talent, that girl could sing", Tori "yeah, did you hear the missing you r and b version", JoJo "did I, I had to listen to that song on repeat because of how amazing your daughter in. And your vocals are killer", Tori "thanks".

@ torikellyI promised big sis I wouldn't post this photo but I really couldn't help it

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@ torikelly
I promised big sis I wouldn't post this photo but I really couldn't help it. I was 13 when I met her for the first time, and she was 14 going on 15. Our relationship, our friendship, I hold so close to my heart. If anyone says anything about my braces, I'll come for you. Thanks for coming to visit me @ iamjojo , I love you so much!
@ iamjojo: I was just looking at this picture, lol. Can't believe how long it's been since it was taken. It's literally been years, it's about to be 18 years to be exact. I love you so much baby sis!!

JoJo "is my niece ever going to wake up", Tori "lol, I could go check on her", JoJo "okay, you do that. I'm gonna get something to drink", Tori "okay", Tori went to her daughter's bedroom, Tori "hey princess, how did you sleep", Averie "I slept okay", Tori "no nightmares, no pain. You don't feel warm anymore, are you feeling any better", Averie "yeah", Tori "I made your matcha and your breakfast. It's downstairs", Averie "five more minutes", Tori "if I tell you who's in the living room, you're not gonna wanna stay in here for five more minutes", Averie "who's here", Tori "did you forget, I told you. She was coming yesterday", Averie "Titi's here", Tori "yeah, and she's been waiting for you", Averie put her slippers on and followed her mom to the living room. Averie "JoJo", JoJo "come here my girl", Averie went over to her aunt and hugged her, JoJo "how are you doing, I missed you", Averie "I'm good, I missed you too", Tori "here baby, breakfast", Averie "thanks mommy", Tori "you're welcome. Jo you want anything", JoJo "not right now but thank you for asking", Tori "no problem", Averie "you did really good in Moulin Rouge as Satine", JoJo "thanks. You know I had so much fun seeing the three of you that day. I'm was happy thank you came", Tori "we wouldn't have missed it for the world", JoJo "and I'm glad you didn't. I'm really glad you enjoyed the show", Tori "someone had a little too much fun that day", Averie "not uh", Tori "yes you did", Averie "not uh momma", Tori "yeah, JoJo she went through four bags of candy, two cups of soda and after that. Threw hotdogs from the stand and we couldn't leave without getting her the poster, the sweater and the mug", JoJo "lol that sounds hilarious", Tori "and the minute we got back home from the trip, she passed out right in the bed", Averie "in the car first", Tori "yeah, and then you slept until 1 in the afternoon", JoJo "sounds like someone had a bit of a junk food hangover", Tori "she sure did lol". André "I'm back. Hey JoJo", JoJo "hey", the two of them hugged, André "how have you been", JoJo "I've been good, and you", André "good. Listen I'm gonna excuse myself so I could go take a shower, I'm all sweaty and tired", Tori "could you watch her", JoJo "sure", Tori followed her husband to the bathroom. André "you're getting in with me", Tori "yeah, you know I'm feeling bit dirty, I was wondering if you could help me out with that", André "you know I will", Tori "you're so handsome and sexy when you're all sweaty", André "lol, let's get in this shower and make our little session quick", Tori "okay". JoJo "so what have you been up to", Averie "nothing really. I mean I sang with mommy on her new album, did you hear it", JoJo "yes I did hear it. You did so amazing honey", Averie "mommy's been trying to get me to sing the hard riff at the end of her don't you worry bout a thing song", JoJo "how come you haven't tried it. I'm sure you could do it, I'm sure you'll master it eventually. But you won't know if you don't try", Averie "I'm just starting, I'm not as good as momma", JoJo "is that what you think", Averie "we'll yeah, I still can't riff like her", JoJo "when you sing babes, don't try to follow another person's voice. You have your own voice, you do sound just like your mother, look up to her. You'll become powerful like her one day. Do you wanna try the riff", Averie "i don't know, what if I can't do it titi", JoJo "there's all ways room for improvement and you won't know unless you try", Averie "okay", JoJo put the song on. Tori and André got out of the shower, André "how's baby doing", Tori "good, I forgot to tell you but this morning I felt him kick a few times", André "that's amazing", the two of them went to the room to get dressed. JoJo "before you start singing, always take a breath, you don't wanna make it look like you can't breathe when your singing. So have control over your vocals", Averie "okay, the riff is after the bridge", Tori and André were returning to the living room, JoJo "don't hold back", just in time to hear their daughter sing one of the hardest riffs ever. Averie hugged her aunt in tears, surprised that she had actually been able to sing the riff. Tori "you did it. I'm so proud of you baby", Averie went over to her mom and hugged her, Tori "I'm so proud of you for not giving up", JoJo "she's incredible Tori", Tori "thanks", André "princess wanna come with me to take the dogs for a walk", Averie "yeah", after they left with the dogs. JoJo "could I ask you something", Tori "sure, what's up", JoJo "I know Averie is your biological daughter, but do you know any places where I could adopt", Tori "where's this coming from? I thought you didn't wanna be a mother yet, you told me you wanted to wait", JoJo "I know, I know. It's just I don't know if I wanna wait anymore", Tori "I mean I could help you look into it but I don't know much about adoption", JoJo "you'd be willing to do that for me", Tori "I'd do anything for you", JoJo "I don't even know where to start", Tori "it's easy, know what you are looking for, meaning have an age limit if you need to. Do you know if you wanna adopt a infant, toddler, child, teen. Know what your going for, second thing be aware of the race and nationality of the child you want to adopt", JoJo "I want to adopt a toddler, nationality doesn't really matter to me but I know it'll matter to the people around me", Tori "I wouldn't mind and you know that. Listen there is this agency you could call, and they'll be more than happy to help you", JoJo "thanks", Tori "you're welcome", the two of them started watching a movie. André dialed his wife in panic. Tori "hey babe. Woah, can you slow down. I can't even understand you, baby please stop. Slow down. What's going on", André "hospital now", Tori "baby what's going on", André "Averie fainted, she passed out", Tori "what do you mean she passed out", André "she fainted babe, what more do you want me to say. She fainted", Tori "I'm on my way right now. Where is she", André "ICU", Tori "this is not happening right now", André "babe it's blood cuts", Tori "are you kidding me", André "no I'm afraid not", Tori "I'm coming right now", JoJo "what's going on", Tori "do you remember when I was rushed to the hospital after fainting in an restaurant", JoJo "yeah", Tori "Averie's in the ICU because of the same thing", JoJo "oh my goodness, I'll drive you. Tori breathe", Tori "she's nine", JoJo "just take some deep breaths", JoJo drove Tori to the hospital, JoJo took the dogs back to the house and watched over the house. André hugged his wife, embracing her in a hug and calming her down after she had been crying. Tori "did you hear anything yet from the doctor", André "no baby. I'm gonna go use the restroom", Tori "okay", "are you here for Averie Murillo", Tori "yeah, I'm her mother", "so I wasn't sure if your husband told you why she brought in", Tori "if you don't remember me you cured me while I was here, after I rushed to the hospital", "I remember you, your daughter was brought in for the same exact situation", Tori "I know my husband told me before I came, he called me after he said she was being rushed to the hospital", "well your daughter is currently undergoing treatment for the blood clots so she's not awake, she's under anesthesia, and some medication", Tori "when will I be able to see her", "due to the medication she's on she won't be able to communicate with you properly but you could definitely see her", Tori "thank you", "her room is right this way", André "I'm checking in with your mom right now", Tori "okay", Tori followed the doctor to the room. Tori sat on the chair, she couldn't bare to see her daughter just lying in the hospital bed, with IV's in her arms.

@ torikellyHey y'all

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@ torikelly
Hey y'all. I'm coming on here to ask you my lovely followers, my fans, my friends, and my family to send some prayers to my nine year old daughter. She's currently in the ICU after fainting on a walk with her father, my husband. I'm not sure if this runs in my family or his family but it has happened to me, I was rushed to the hospital a few days before my cut music video was released, for blood clots in my legs and lungs. My daughter had the same thing, she's currently stabilized, I'm not sure how long we'll be in the hospital for but I'm thankful for all the doctors who are giving her the medication and the attention she needs, writing this right now is heartbreaking. Due to all the medication and anesthesia she's on, she's unable to communicate properly. Keep my baby in your prayers please and thank you. -Tori

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