Accident - Chanlix 💖

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🎶 idk what to put here but sort of ig.

chan felix others

Chan had really started to grow feelings for Felix, but the two of them were best friends. Close best friends. Tonight, they were backstage after their performance with the rest of the group. He knelt down beside to where Felix was sitting, trying to get his hair unbraided. He went to kiss him on the cheek (as always) before Felix turned his head towards him, he accidentally kissed him on the lips."I'm so sorry!!! that was an accident!"

Felix took a hold of Chan's face, leant forward and kissed him. Chan froze for a moment before he wrapped his arms around Felix's neck and deepened the kiss. He pulled Felix closer as he kissed deeper. Their eyes remained closed as they both took in the intensity of the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity, Chan finally pulled away, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked at Felix through his lashes and said:

"What was that for?"

Felix smiled at him, a small giggle escaping his lips but before he could answer, Chan stopped him by pressing the other member's mouth with his hand and said:

"I'm not done yet" Then he brought Felix down with him and the two lay down on the floor of the dressing room, kissing intensely. As he was lost in his own world, Chan did not notice the other people that were watching them in awe and amazement. They just looked so beautiful together that most people were cheering for them as they made out like wild animals.

Felix kissed back then realised that other people were standing there, watching them. They both immediately stood up. Felix looked a bit flushed as he quickly fixed his hair, avoiding eye contact, and turned away. Chan on the other hand looked pretty composed, like he hadn't even noticed that they were being watched, but then his cheeks looked flushed as well as he noticed a few people whispering on the sideline. He quickly smiles at Felix before pulling him in for 'just another kiss'.

The two shared a few more passionate kisses before they both pulled away, out of breath and out of words. The two just look at each other for a moment, both a smile on their lips as their cheeks burn. Neither of them can believe that they actually did it. Chan leant in for another kiss before he gets interrupted by their manager.

"Well, well you guys look cute together" he said in a teasing tone. Felix then went bright red and covered his face with his hands, whilst Chan smiled at Felix's cuteness.

They both looked at the manager who was smiling at them both, especially Chan. Felix looked at his best friend, with his face still covered by his hands.
"I-It was an accident." he said, still sounding a bit frantic.
Chan smiled before he walked up behind Felix and pulled him in his arms. He kissed him on the neck and whispered:
"Then don't look so cute all the time" before grinning.
Felix turned red all over again and looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

Chan started to tickle Felix under the chin. He knew that was a spot that made him giggle whenever his best friend became too serious. Felix tried to pull away but Chan wouldn't let go of him. Felix eventually gave in and started laughing and smiling.The manager walked closer to them, he put his hand on Chan's shoulder and looked up at the boy with a smile before saying:"I don't care if this was an accident or not. I am all for these two to be together."Felix turned red and hid his face in Chan's chest.

Chan laughed as he wrapped his arms tight around Felix. Chan smiled at Felix's reaction. The manager turned to Chan "So, Chan, are you guys together?" Chan nodded as he smiled at Felix. Felix tried to protest but Chan stopped him by pressing his finger over his lips. Felix nodded with a smile.

Felix blushed before he leant against Chan and hid his face again. Their eyes gleamed as their cheeks flushed. They couldn't look at each other without getting all flustered.The manager chuckled before he walks away. Finally, the two had a moment on their own, just the two of them. Then Chan walked to Felix and hugged him tight before he whispered:"I have always liked you more than a friend. You're different, you are special to me" Felix looked up at him, his face as red as a tomato.

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