Doll - Hyunlix 💖

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this is horrible. im not sorry

warnings: i dont know what the hades this is good luck

youre hyunjin, good luck

it has been years since Felix took you all to himself. It was scary becoming his lover. You didn't want to date him, he just locked you away in his house. His mood swings are the worst. One second he's feeding you, then he's pushing you to the floor and beating you. You're still stuck with him. Felix's walks into the room, and hugs you, ignoring your fear and discomfort. "Hello love! How are you?" You don't answer because you don't want to make him mad. His look then turns stern and serious.

he looks at you silently until he finally speaks. "Say something. I'm in a good mood today. Don't make it worse."

"im ok thank you how are you"

"Good, good" he says, his cold tone turning more cheery. He sits close to you and strokes your hair, but it's less comforting than you thought. "I have a fun idea."

"Close your eyes" he commands. You don't really want to, but he doesn't give you a choice. He waits a bit, then starts speaking again. "Don't move." He says, his voice now sounding serious again.

"Close your eyes" he commands. You don't really want to, but he doesn't give you a choice. He waits a bit, then starts speaking again. "Don't move." He says, his voice now sounding serious again.

"I got you a gift to make you happy! I was going to buy that new dress you wanted but I found out a much cooler option." You still couldn't believe he would do this, and you didn't even want to get closer to it. "Don't be scared, it's you." he smiles, though you still refuse. His smile fades, "Open your eyes again. Look this time." he says, getting closer to you. His tone becomes more hostile, and his grip on your arms gets tighter. You obey, thinking you were seeing things the first time. But you regret that decision. In front of you is a copy of yourself, identical, down to the inch. Felix releases you and lets you stare at the double. "I know you've always wanted to marry yourself. I know how selfish you are, so I got you the one person you'll actually love." you decide to keep quiet about some... doubts. Felix looks at you expectantly, waiting to see how you will react. The clone stares at you as well, but it's blank and emotionless. You don't know what to say- but a tear rolls down your cheek. "What's wrong love?" he asks, looking puzzled, as if the clone was made to make you happy rather than upset you. He brushes the tear away with his hand. "scary" you utter. "Your... double... was made to please you in every way. It's an exact copy, so you can do whatever you want with it." He looks at the clone, which is still standing still, not making a move on its own. He turns to you and then back, "Go on, hug them. Kiss them. It'll do anything you want." Felix's tone is emotionless, like he really thinks this would make you happy.

"its scary" Felix watches you for a moment, waiting to see if you would actually touch the clone. But you don't move, still upset about it's existence. The clone seems lifeless, as if it's waiting for your command to do anything, which makes the whole situation even more unnerving. "If you're not going to do anything, I will." Felix's tone becomes harsh and condescending. He grabs the clone and pulls it to him, kissing the clone as you watch. "You know, I could just have fun with both of you if you're not going to." He laughs, and you freeze. "I got this clone for you, don't think that it's just for me. It has your looks and a blank slate so that you can do anything with it- it can satisfy you in ways I never can." He caresses the double's cheeks, smiling widely, then whispers in its ear. It doesn't respond, just stares back blankly, waiting. you shrink back. Felix notices your small behavior. That doesn't stop him. "It's a part of you just like you are. It has your personality and your thoughts, but it's loyal, and it loves you like you love yourself. Now get over here and kiss it." His tone becomes more aggressive as he pushes the clones face towards yours. "Kiss it! It has your memories, so it's practically you. You do love yourself don't you?" Felix asks, his grip on you tightens, and his eyes glow with the rage he'd repressed so well for so long. "It's like a mirror. Aren't you a narcissist? This is perfect! Kiss yourself!" His tone is now almost cruel as he pushes you towards the clone. "felix, i dont want-" "Don't be a brat. This is a gift for you." Felix keeps forcing your face towards the clone's. The clones eyes stay blank, no matter what happens. They remind you of a doll's. "Kiss it! Now!" He yells right before he forces your mouth onto the clone's lips. Your lips touch, and it's cold. It's the first sign of this being truly abnormal. You pull back for a moment but Felix gets you again and forces you back onto the clone. It kisses you back, with no passion. Felix is watching and grinning from ear to ear. "You two look so good together" he says, seeming genuinely pleased by what he was seeing. It disgusted you how quickly he jumped from being angry a minute ago to being excited and pleased. "Just so you know, I'm leaving you two alone now. If I come back and you're not being affectionate, I'll take back this present and give it to someone else."

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