Part 3

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I awoke the next day but didn't move from where I was. Instead a looked around until my gaze fell on whose shoulder I was leaning on, Mattheo's.

I stared up at him for a period of time before moving my head to face the wall in front of me.
Draco was the second person to wake up.

"Morning Ev," He muttered, his voice hoarse.
"Morning D." I replied as I looked over to the side table at the clock.


"Fuck!" I yelled, earning a groan from Delancey.
"Shit guys we're gonna be late for the first day." Draco said looking at the alarm clock panicked.

I lifted my head off of Mattheo's shoulder and sprung out of bed. Having to climb over Draco, Blaise and Enzo.

I stood up startled, and quickly ran to the bathroom, had a quick shower and wrapped myself in my towel. I walked out of the bathroom and Pansy quickly entered straight after me.

When I walked out of the bathroom, the boys had already left thank god.
I dropped my towel and got changed into my Slytherin robes.

Delancey was busy feeding her owl some dried beef. Pansy rushed out of the bathroom and Delancey ran in after her, Pansy got dressed and a minute later Delancey was running out of the bathroom, already in her robes.

We grabbed our books, and ran out of the dorm room, making sure to shut the wooden door on our way out.

We raced down the stairs and into the common room, out the door and through the corridors, up the stairs and down the hall until we came to a classroom sign that read: 'Potions'.

I straightened my back as I walked in after the girls, we weren't very happy, however, when Snape turned around from scribbling on the black board to staring straight at us, eyes narrowed and annoyance in his gaze.

"Sit. Down". He said slowly, and we did as told.
We sat down on the three seater desk, and Pansy looked over at Theo, who was looking back at her with a grin on his face.

Blaise was sat next to him trying to hold in his laughter and Delancey stuck the finger up at them both.

I stopped, however, when I heard the sound of whispering behind me, and snapped my head around to find Harry Potter and Weasel whispering to one another, "I can't believe that Snape lets them off the hook just because they're in Slytherin." I heard the red head say.

I glared at him and said, "Suck a dick, wannabe." And narrowed my eyes at him as I snickered, seeing the worry on his face as he looked over at Harry, who was staring at the book in front of him, also with a scared look on his face.

As soon as I said that, Draco and Mattheo began snickering and trying to stifle there laughter.

Snape turned around and glared at me, and I quickly opened my potions book, trying not to giggle.

The rest of the lesson wasn't much fun, only learning about the rules and boring stuff like that; what we can and can't do, never to be late or there would be consequences blah blah blah.

The bell went for morning tea and we all sprung from our seats, eager to see what we would be eating.
We stepped into the grand hall and was met with piles upon piles of delicious food.

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