Part 10

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I couldn't explain my excitement, sure, school was fucking boring, but I hadn't seen any of my other friends over the course of the holidays except for Draco.

I had FaceTimed them most days but I hadn't seen them in person.

I stood with Draco between platforms 9 and 10, his parents had to work so the chauffeur had dropped us off. We were rolling out luggage trolleys across the platform and came to the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10.

I was talking to Draco when a dark haired girl, she was Mexican, the same height as me, came over to us and asked, "Hi, uh, how do I.. get to the station?" She asked.

I looked at her.
"Just run straight at that wall." I said with a straight face, pointing to the wall that we had to run at.

I didn't realise how ridiculous it sounded though until she started laughing, "You're joking right?" She said between laughs.

I looked at her confused, I then looked at Draco, and then back to the girl.
I shook my head, "No." I said plainly with a look that made it seem like it was obvious.

I opened my mouth the speak but Draco cut in, "What are you waiting for?" He said harshly.
The girl breathed in deeply, adjusting to the energy Draco was putting off.

She slightly nodded her head and turned to face the wall with her trolly, Draco and I watched with anticipation as the girl ran at the wall, disappearing as she reached it.

Draco and I made our way through the wall as well, and we were met with an astonished looking girl.

I walked up to her, "I'm Evelyn, Evelyn Lorraine." I said holding my hand out in front of her for her to shake.

She finally shook it, "Camilla Diaz, or you can call me Cami." She said with a faint smile on her face.

"You're welcome to sit with us," I said gesturing to Draco and I, "If you want." I finished.
She nodded and followed me as I walked up to a slender man wearing a conductor suit.

He took our luggage and loaded it onto the train.
Cami, Draco and I walked through the corridor, looking for our friends.

We came to a compartment near the end, and as soon as I saw Lancy, I knew the rest of them were probably in the compartment.

I slid open the door and everyone turned to face me and Draco and Camilla.
Pansy and Delancey jumped up from their seats and sprung into my arms.

"Hey Ev." Theo said as he and Enzo stood up and came to give me a hug, they then proceeded to give Draco a hug, Blaise followed quickly behind Theo and Enzo and came up to hug me.

Mattheo was last, I went up to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and shoulders.

"Hi." I said softly into his ear and he tightened his grip around my waist.
He pulled away and grinned at me as everyone sat back down.

I turned to face Camilla, who was sitting awkwardly next to Theo and Blaise, making small talk.

"Everyone this is Camilla Diaz." I said and then I proceeded to introduce her to everyone.

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