Part 4

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Around the middle of October we were told that we would endure our first flying lesson.

I was excited obviously but my excitement was nothing compared to Theo's excitement.
Of course I loved quidditch, I also loved flying on my broom back home, but my love for quidditch was nothing compared to Theo's burning passion for it. Or I suppose you could call it an unhealthy obsession.

We were led out onto a big grass field that was surrounded by the big stone buildings that ultimately connected to Hogwarts.

I was walking beside Mattheo, "How's your cut?" I asked him curiously.
He looked at me, "It's a lot better thanks to you," He said as he grinned at me, and I smiled back.

The lady that was walking ahead of us was strange looking, short, spiky, white hair and yellow eyes.

She finally stopped walking once we had come to the middle of the grass field, and she turned to face us.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson." She said. "Now before we begin, I'm going to need two even lines of you facing one another, quickly now, come on." We did as we were told.

(This is what I mean btw)

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(This is what I mean btw)

She then spoke, "My name is Madam Hooch, I will be your Professor in this class and I expect nothing less than your best behaviour. Now, everyone step up to the left side of your broomstick." We did as we were told.

"Stick your right hand over the brookstick and say up." She commanded and we did.
"Up!" I heard the other students say, and the brooms fumbled around on the ground, there were however, some students who had managed to telekineticly pick up their broom from the ground.

"Up." I said, my voice raised slightly, and it worked, the broom flew into my hand.

Once the rest of the children had gotten their brooms, Madam Hooch spoke, "Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it, hold it tight though, I don't want you sliding of the end." We did as we were told and Madam Hooch then spoke again, "Now when I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard, keeping your brooms steady, hover for a moment, tilt your brooms forward slightly, and touch back down." She blew her whistle, but only one boy left the ground, we all stared at him in amusement, as he seemed to not know how to regain contact with the ground.

"Mr Longbottom!" The teacher screeched, and I snickered to myself.

"Come back down this instant!" She yelled at him, but it was of no use, he only kept going higher and higher until he was flying up into the sky at full speed, yelling and screaming.

He went up high, then circled back down and began to fly straight towards the group of students. The teacher pulled out her wand, ready to stop him but her efforts were to no avail.

She leaped out of the way as he flew straight towards us, Mattheo grappled my wrist and yanked me to the side, while the rest of the students hurriedly got out of the way.

Longbottom flew through an archway, circled back around the top, and found himself heading straight for a stone statue, holding a sharp spear.

He yelped as he hit the statue, letting go of his broom, but instead of falling, his robes caught hold of the spear and he was left dangling from the roof.

His robes ripped, and he fell more towards the ground and again, however, below him there was a light that was shielded by a spiky cage, in which his also caught hold of, this time however, he slipped out of his robes and fell to the ground.

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch yelled as we began to surround the boy, who was now lying on the grass, holding his wrist.

The teacher pushed past us and ran over to help the boy.

She bent down to help him, "Oh dear, it's a broken wrist." Draco stood in front of me, and I saw him bend down and pick something off the ground.

The teacher began walking away, "Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing. If I see anyone on a broom the person riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch."

Draco turned to face me and chuckled, "Did you see his face." He laughed again and this time Blaise chimed in, "Maybe of the fat lump had given that a squeeze," He pointed to the object Draco was holding, it was a remembrall, "He would've remembered to fall on his fat arse." Everyone laughed and I snickered to myself.

Potter stepped forward so that he was stood close behind Draco, "Give it here Malfoy." He spat.

Mattheo bent down and said into my ear, "Merlin he's demanding." And I chuckled, his breath sending shivers down my neck.

Draco then turned to face Harry, "No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He exclaimed as he mounted his broom and circled around the group of students, "How about on the roof." He laughed as he flew higher and higher up into the sky.

Around ten seconds later, Potter was mounting his broom and flying up unsteadily towards Draco.

I couldn't hear their conversation, but Potter had been trying to take the remembrall off of Draco, though he hadn't been making much progress.

The conversation seemed to end when Draco threw the remembrall and Potter chased after it.

My attention turned back to Draco, who was now flying back down to where the rest of us were standing, chuckling to himself.

"What was that all about?" Delancey questioned, unsure of what to make of the silly little game of tag Potter was currently playing with the remembrall.

"Just boys being boys." Pansy said, dragging her words as she watched in astonishment as Potter caught up with the remembrall and grabbed it right before it hit a window.

He flew back down slowly, the other first years running towards him as he slowly landed.

Us Slytherins followed closely behind.

"What a snob." I muttered to Delancey who was walking next to me, glaring at Potter.

Everyone must have been to focused on Harry, because none of them noticed the teacher walking towards the group. It was Professor McGonagall.

"Harry Potter." She said with her voice raised and the students went silent.

They all turned to face her and I Pansy snickered from beside me. "Follow me." Professor McGonagall said as she began walking back towards the building she came from.

Potter following closely behind her.


The original copy of this chapter got deleted so this is the slightly shorter version, but I think it's a little bit better tbh.

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