Part 7

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I woke up that day super excited, maybe it was because the memories from last night came rushing back to me as soon as I sat up, or maybe it was because we had the day off of school because there was a quidditch game.

I jumped out of bed, eager to be ready and get downstairs for breakfast as quickly as possible.

I had a shower and got changed into my robes, and since it was beginning to get cold and change from fall to winter, I also wore a Slytherin beanie and scarf.

I waited for a little bit while Pansy and Delancey got dressed for the quidditch game.
We finally left the dorm and walked down to the common room, not many people were there, but I managed to spot Blaise and Draco talking by the fire place.

We walked over to them, "Hey boys." Delancey said, I looked over at Pansy, who was still glued to her phone.
"So," Draco began, "We got told that you kissed Mattheo last night." My mouth dropped, "It was just in the cheek. It's not a big deal." I said, and I just knew that my face was red.

"One, it is a big deal, and two, yeah, we all know." Blaise said, the whole time we were talking, Delancey had a shocked looked on her face.

"Wait you kissed Mattheo?" She asked excitedly, "On the cheek." I clarified.

"A kiss is a kiss!" She said happily. "I'm already planning your wedding in my head." She said and I died inside, "Oh my god Lance." I buried my face in my hands and she laughed.

We made our way to the great hall, though I wasn't too happy about seeing Mattheo, I mean I was, but I knew it was going to be awkward.

I walked through the doors, followed by Draco and Blaise with the girls standing beside me.
We walked over to our usual spot on the table and sat down, Mattheo sat across from me and looked up from his phone.

He stared at me for a second before grinning at me and I half smiled at him.

No one was really talking, Pansy was on her phone, Mattheo was still glancing at me every few seconds, Enzo wasn't even looking at me and everyone else was kind of waiting for something to happen.

Pansy finally looked up from her phone and broke the awkward silence, "So, is everyone excited for the match today?" She asked with a half smile, putting down her phone and looking around at everyone.

"Yeah, I definitely am, I need a day off." I said with a sigh.
"Oh cause life's so so hard." Draco said sarcastically with a grin and I flipped him off.

"Don't get too comfy guys, games about to start." Theo said as he began getting up from the table.

We walked outside and made ourselves comfortable in the stands.
Not long after the Slytherin, and the Gryffindor Quidditch teams flew out onto the huge field.

I spotted Potter and glared at him, he looked nervous, which amused me, but I still hated that he was allowed to play on the team.

The teams flew around the field for a few seconds before flying over to where they had too.

Madam Hooch stepped out onto the field and opened the wooden box and as soon as she did the bludgers flew out as well as the golden snitch.

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