Chapter 7

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Elvis P.O.V (Early morning)
3 days later

I was sitting down watching the news with my parents when
On the morning newspaper:
We see Elvis Presley's girlfriend at hilton hotel for the night?
I get up put on my shoes and go to the hotel she is staying at.

I get into my car and drive there it's about a 1 hour drive. Once I got there I walk to the lobby

"Hi I'm looking for someone by the name of Sofia Olson" I say in a hurry
"I'm sorry Mr.Presley but I don't know anyone by the name of that" she says
"I know she is here it's all over the news.I know you saw it to so tell me what her room number is" I say trying to not lose my cool.

"I'm sorry sir I can't do that" she say

Than the elevator doors open, I turn around and see Sofia once she saw me she tired to close the door again.

Still Elvis's P.O.V
The doors closed right before I got to her I pressed the button again and got on the next one I rushed to her room right before I was about to catch her she slammed the door in my face.
I began to pound on the door "OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR SOFIA!!! I say
breaking down the door and rushing in and pinning her roughly to the wall.

"Please don't please" she says
"Shut up" I say
I threw her on the bed and got on top of her pinning her to the bed
"Elvis" she says crying
"Didn't I just tell you to shut up" I say kiss her neck and bitting it a little

I got off her and turned on the lights and lit a cigarette
"Did you really think you can get away from me Sof?"

Sofia's P.O.V
"Did you really think you can get away from me Sof?" Elvis says smoking his cigarette

"ANSWER ME DID YOU!" He yelled at me
"No" I say quietly
"No" I say louder
"That's better pack your damn bags we are going back home" he says.
I get off the bed to start packing.

"Hurry up Sofia" he said getting annoyed with me
"I'm finished packing" I say
"Good girl" He gave me a kiss on the cheek
"Go put on the clothes I felt for you in the bathroom" he said
I nodded and went to get dressed at 1 something in the morning.

Elvis's P.O.V
"Let's go" I say shoving her out of the hotel room
"Hold my hand now and when we get to the lobby put a smile on your face or you will be in for a long night darling" I says seriously

She grabs my hand
"Do you understand" I say squeezing her hand
"Yes sir I understand" she says with her head down
"I love you ok little one"
"I love you too sir" she says

We walk into the lobby you all you can see is paparazzi outside with there flashing cameras I look at Sofia with a smile on her face.

We walk outside to the car with everyone asking us questions we just stay silent til we got to the car.

"That's my good girl" I kissed her hand

We pull out of the parking lot and headed back to Graceland I'm going to set her a few rules I looked at her and she is asleep.

Sofia's P.O.V
Once we get into the car "that's my good girl" he says kissing my hand I didn't want to do back to Graceland I wish he never found me I started to cry a little slowly going back to sleep.

1 hour later
I feel Elvis picking me up than I hear the front door open. I open my eyes a little bit to see stairs we are going to our room I close my eyes again.

I feel myself being laid on something super soft. I start to feel Elvis taking off my clothes leaving me in my light blue lace set pulling the covers over me slowly went back to sleep again.

Elvis's P.O.V
We get home got her undressed leaving her in a light blue lace set I take off my shirt, pants and shoes than lay next to her
"I love you little one" I say going to sleep.

Sofia's P.O.V (Morning)
I woke up with arms wrapped around me I tried to move but that wasn't going to happen I just laid there thinking.

I heard a knock on the door causing Elvis to groaned and throwing something at the door "GO AWAY!" He yelled causing me to jump

"Go back to sleep baby" he says pulling me down "I'm not tired anymore" I say he sighs sitting up "I'm going to have to set some rules for you" he said
"Rules why I do everything you ask of me" I say

"I'm doing this because I said so" he says grabbing my hand
"Don't question me about it again understand" he says

I nod my head
"Can I go take a shower" I asked
"Go head but you have to leave the door open" he says letting my hand go
"I will get your outfit so wait a second" he gets up goes to the closet to get me a outfit

He comes back out with an outfit:
it's a red dress that flows beautifully along with a red ribbon for my hair with black flats and a black jacket.

"Thanks" I say grabbing the clothes giving him a kiss in the cheek
"Go on" he says
I walk to the bathroom leaving the door open starting the shower and getting in.

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