Chapter 23

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Sofia's P.O.V
Once I got out of the shower I walked back into our room and Elvis was sitting in the bed waiting I guess.

"Come here Sofia" He says
"Yes sir" I say walking to him
"Do you love me be honest" He says grabbing my wrists.

"I did love you before you started abusing me again I stopped loving you I love Jason not you" I says
"Is that right" He says pulling me closer to him.

"Since you think that I will show you how much I love you since you don't" He whispers in my ear before shoving me on the ground.

"Oh and listen here bitch YOU WILL NEVER SEE JASON EVER AGAIN!!!" He says yelling at me before dragging me downstairs to the basement I was scared to go down there why is he taking me down there.

"Why are you taking me down here" I say worried.
"You will see babygirl" He says pulling me to the basement.

I heard someone groaning in pain I look around and saw someone sitting a chair tied up I look closer........Jason.

"Jason OMG are your ok" I say running up to him but Elvis pulled me back to him
"Let me go now" I say trying to get out of his grip.

He snapped his fingers and his man came in "Hold her and make her watch I'm doing this because I love you" He says kissing my cheek.

I see him grab Jason by his neck and pull out a knife Jason had bruises all over his body. I tried to go stop Elvis but his men wouldn't let me go.

"ELVIS PLEASE DONT HURT HIM!!!!" I scream. He looked at me stabbed him in the side.
"JASON!!" I say
"See little one this is what he gets for you not loving me" he says stabbing him again.

"PLEASE STOP I WILL LOVE YOU JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I say on the verge of crying.
"Ok sweetheart I will leave him alone"
He says taking his knife out of him and throwing it on the floor and walked up to me.

"You mean it little one" He says
"Yes sir just leave his alone please"I say hugging him.

"I will little one" He says
"Thank you" I say BANG!!! I hear it I try to look at Jason but Elvis hide me from him.
"YOU KILLED HIM!!!" I scream at him looking at Jason with blood coming out of his head.

I quickly ran out of the basement to our room. He killed him he killed the only person that truly loved me.

"Did you like the show babygirl" Elvis walks in smiling.
"Don't make me repeat myself little one" He says walking to me.

I'm going to regret saying this deeply but this how I feel.

"I fucking hate you!!!! Elvis you didn't have to kill him this is why I hate you!!!!!! I don't love you I will never love someone like you" I say walking to the bathroom before I feel him pull my hair and shove me into the wall and pulled out his knife.

"You want me to kill your ass do you" He says slowly tracing my side with the knife there is still the scar from when he cut me for the first time.

"Do you because you can be just like him with a bullet to the head" He says getting closer to my face.

"You will love me at some point Sofia" He says as his lips brush against mine "you are mine no one else's MINE!!" He says pushing the knife slowly into my skin.

"I'm yours please stop" I say as tears begin to fall. He moves the knife and kiss my lips I hate him so much but there is nothing I can do I begin to kiss him back.

We were having a whole make out session he pushes me on bed.I quickly turn us around so I'm on top and quickly handcuff his hands to the bed.

I quickly got off the bed and put on clothes and hurry downstairs grabbing his keys. I ran to the front door but it wouldn't open. I start pulling trying to open the door when I heard "You really thought you could escape me little one" He says grabbing my neck.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't want to be here I just want to leave I don't want you I don't want to be here" I say I see flames in his eyes as I said that he is for sure going to kill me today.

"Get your ass upstairs and get naked when I get up there you better be on the floor waiting you are going to be a hush beating tonight" He says letting me go.

I run upstairs I go to the bathroom and open the window jumping out of it I can't stay here he will beat me to death I know it. I quickly got up and made a run for it before he knew I will gone.

Once I made it to the gates I hurried and tried to climb it I felt someone grabbing me and pulling me down.
"Let me go please" I say.

"Bitch you're in for it get your ass down now before I shoot you" He says pulling me down harshly til landed on the ground. He pulls me up by my shirt and slapped me so hard it will leave a bruise for sure.

"We are going to take a trip to the cabin" He says walking to the car and pushed me in.
"Get ready baby get ready" He says driving out gate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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