Chapter 10

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Still Sofia's P.O.V (Night)
He threw me in the car and drove out the gates.
"Let me go" I say.
"Shut up" he says.
I stayed quiet.

"I thought you were going to be a good girl" He said ripping the stirring wheel tighter.

I remained quiet
"ANSWER ME!!!" He yelled.
I flinched covering my ears
"Ok then" He says.

1 hour later
He pulls into the driveway of a small cabin looking house.
"W-what are we doing here" I asked scared.
"You will see" He says pulling me out of the car roughly.

He unlocks the door pushing me in I turned around looking at him.
"You want to be a bad girl little one" He says circling me.
"N-no" I say scared.
The silence was killing me. I can feel my heart about to burst out my chest, my breathing was getting heavy.

"Why did you try to escape" He says sitting on the couch.
"Only right answers little one" He says lighting a cigarette

"I wasn't" That was all I can get out. I being to shake. He got up walking to me; I couldn't move. He shoved me until I hit the wall.

"Why did you try to escape Sofia" He says grabbing my neck.
"To get away from you" I say.
"Is that true" He says gripping tighter.
"Yes" I choke out.

He smirked than kneed me in my stomach I feel to the ground in pain. I heard his phone ring and he answered it.

"Hello" Elvis says.
"We will be back home tomorrow" he said.
"HELP!!" I screamed.
"Everything is fine I got to go" He hangs up kicking me in my stomach.
"Will you ever listen to me sof?" He said pulling me by my hair.
"STOP!!!" I say crying this was going to be a long night.

6 hours later
I woke up on the floor from another one of Elvis's famous beatings. My head was killing me I couldn't barely see anything.

I felt something wet under my arm I opened my eyes and say blood. I tried to get up but fell immediately after. I started to cry because of the pain I looked around and it was completely dark around me.

I try to get up again, I grabbed onto something and pulled myself up. I limped to the bathroom and took a long shower and cried "why does he do this to me I just want to feel loved maybe if I wasn't here he wouldn't hurt me anymore" I say crying.

Elvis's P.O.V ( Early morning)
I woke up hearing the shower running I put my ear to the door hearing something that broke me.

"Why does he do this to me I just want to feel loved maybe if I wasn't here he wouldn't hurt me anymore". I just stood there I didn't know I hurt her this much I will make it up to her.

When she got out the shower she had the same clothes on as she walked pasted me. I was in the leaving room it was still dark in there. She started cleaning up her blood.

"Baby" I said turning on the light.
"I'm sorry I just wanted a shower I'm sorry I didn't ask you" she said shaking in fear.

"It's ok little one" I touch her face as tears started escaping her eyes.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry sir" she says crying more.
"I will clean this up" she says turning away to get the mop. I pulled her back to me, kissing her slowly,gently,passionately.

She pulled away looking at me.
"I'm so sorry for hurting you Sofia I want to make it up to you. Will you let me do that?" I say on the verge of crying

"Yes" she says in a whisper
"Thank you" I kissed her again
"Are we going back home today? I miss Graceland" she asked me.
"Yes little one we are but let's get you a changed into fresh clothes." He says

Sofia's P.O.V (Afternoon)
3 weeks later

Things have been going ok between me and Elvis. I don't like the fact that he thinks everything is all perfect like nothing happened.

I been keeping myself away from everyone these passed couple weeks.

"Hey darling" Elvis says walking into our room giving me a kiss.
"Hi" I say back.
"What's wrong little one" he says.
"Nothing just thinking" I say.
"About what" he says.
"Nothing much" I say.

"Oh ok how about we go to the Tv room as watch a movie" He suggested
"That's fine" I say.

After watching "The notebook" I went to the tv room closing the door.
"I can't do this anymore I need to get out" I thought to myself.
"I need to come up with a plan as soon as possible" I whisper to myself.
I sit on the couch thinking for a while than I came up with a plan.
ESCAPE PLAN! ( For tomorrow night)
* Elvis goes to studio at 8pm (that's gives me time to pack before he comes back)
*Elvis wakes up at 5am (Bring everything downstairs and leave the house by 4)
*Get to the airport by 6am
*Be in Corpus Christi, Texas by 5pm (11 hours 39mins)
*Leave Elvis for good!!!!!
"Baby" Elvis says walking in.
"Yes" I say.
"What are you doing in here" he says.
"Nothing just thinking" I say.
"You been thinking about here recently" he chuckles.

"I guess so" I say.
"You better not be thinking about escaping" he says in a serious tone.
"What makes you think that I won't ever leave you" I say lying, kissing his cheek.
"I just don't want to lose you again" he says.

"You won't I'm hungry is dinner ready" I say changing the subject.
"Let's go check" he says.
I let out a deep sigh of relief as we started walking out the room.

Elvis's P.O.V (Night)
"What makes you think that I won't ever leave you" she says kissing my cheek.
"I just don't want to lose you again" I says.

"You won't I'm hungry is dinner ready"she says.
"Let's go check" he says.

(After dinner)
"Thanks mama that was absolutely delicious" I say.
"Thank you baby I glad you enjoyed it" she says smiling.
"Me and Sofia are going to head upstairs for bed goodnight" I say giving my parents a kiss on their cheeks.
I grab Sofia's hand heading upstairs.

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