Chapter 19

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Jason's P.O.V (Morning)
I woke up to Sofia not by me I started to panic and jump out of the bed and walk into the living room I sigh in relief when I say her cleaning the living room.

"Good morning princess you don't have to clean up I can do it." I say.
"No it's ok Jason cleaning helps me keep my mind off Elvis and everything" she says bending over picking up some pieces of glass I get a perfect view of her ass.
"How long have you been up" I say.
"Since 5" She says.
"Baby it's 11 now why were you up so early" I say.
"I couldn't go back to sleep and I didn't want to wake you up so I just started cleaning" she says.

I walk up to her and grab what she was holding in her hands and walked to the kitchen and threw it away. I walked back to her and gave her a kiss then a hug.

"You didn't have to do this babygirl I love you." I say grabbing her face and started kissing her passionately.

Elvis's P.O.V
I need to find her and once I do I'm going to kill her I should've killed her when I had to chance. I been looking all over Memphis for her. I know she can't be far.

I sit in the living room smoking a cigarette and planning on how I'm going to find her and make the rest of her life a living hell til she dies but for that to happen I need to find her.

Sofia's P.O.V (Afternoon)
I can't believe Jason love me I love kissing Jason his lips are amazing and I can't hey enough of them I pull away from the kiss.

"Where are we going to run away to" I say
"How about Canada I have family up there." He says
"I never been I would love that but I need to go shopping for some clothes to bring." I say
"Ok baby that's fine" He says he hands me her credit card and told me to get anything I wanted for the trip.
"Thank you Jason" I say

I walk into the bedroom and changed into my old clothes I came here with.

Me and Jason both walk to the car and got in and heading to some stores.

2 hours later
we make it back home when we got there we saw the door open we walked in and saw no one. Jason closed the door and locked it and turn back to me and kiss me to calm me down.

"I thought you didn't know her" I hear a very familiar voice I wish to never hear again.
I turn around and froze
"Thought you would never see me again little one." He said walking towards me. I tense and walk backwards.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her." Jason said standing in front of me.
"Babydoll you're going to let this freak keep me away from you, have you forgot your mine baby." He says shoving Jason out of the way and Jason punched him.

"RUN SOFIA RUN!!!!" Jason yelled keeping Elvis away from me as he threw punches at him.

I couldn't move I couldn't do nothing I was so scared to even speak let alone run or move.

Jason's P.O.V
"SOFIA LOOK AT ME BABY!" I say to her she looks at me
"Run" I mouth I see her dash out the door Elvis kicks me in my face and everything goes black.

Sofia's P.O.V
I continue to run and not look back.
"SOFIA" I hear Elvis I start to run even faster. I felt I sharp pain in my leg I just kept running I start to feel a cool feeling running down my leg something was wrong I feel another sharp pain but on my side I fall to the down and try to crawl I hear him running faster to me the closer he got the more terrified I got.

"Hi princess" I hear him say as I was going in and out of consciousness.
"I told you I would find you if you ever tired to escape again" He says touching me.
"You been a bad girl" He says pulling my
hair to look at him he starts to become very blurry I need help.
"H-help m-me P-please" I choke out.
Elvis starts to laugh.
"You think I'm going to help you I been wanting to kill you for a while now" he says still laughing than kicks me hard.

"I fucking hate you Sofia" KICKS "you fucked up my life so much" KICKS " I wish you would die already" KICKS "I hate you so much" KICKS "Bitch" He says spiting on me and kicking me one more time that caused me to black out completely.

Jason's P.O.V (Night)
I wake up with a huge headache I see the front door open and I think of Sofia I stubble as I tried to get up I walk into the hallway and at the end of the hallway I see a body I sprint to it.

"Oh my god Sofia" I say rushing to her side she was still breathing but barley
"HELP SOMEONE HELP HELP US!!!!!!!!!!! I say picking her up and carrying her and running to the hospital

15 minutes later
HELP HELP PLEASE HELP MY GIRLFRIEND PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I say screaming they take her almost lifeless body away from me while two nurses kept me from going after her. I go to the waiting room and broke down instantly
"I was supposed to keep her safe and protected her I couldn't do that" I say to myself.

7 hours later
The doctor says "she is stable but she is in a light coma which means she will wake up in a week or a couple days."
"Thank you doctor" I say.
"You can go see her the room number is 213" He says.
"Thank you again" I say rushing to her room.

I walk in and see her with all kinds of tubes on her I start crying I walk over to her bed and spill my heart out to her.

"Sofia I don't know if you can hear me but I'm here right by your side til you wake up. I know we haven't known each other that long but I'm in love with you and I can't keep pushing that feeling to the side I love you so much and I want to be with you forever and have a family with you and so much more I want to show you what love truly is please wake up so I can show you that I will be here til you wake up baby I love you so much Sofia." I say crying and kissed her hand.

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