Chapter 11

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Stills Elvis's P.O.V
(Rated R scene)
Walking into the room I lock the door then walk to Sofia she started to shake a little.

"It's ok baby calm down I'm not going to hurt you" I say.
"Why did you lock the door" she whispers while backing up.
I grab her waist "This is why" I say looking into her beautiful,gorgeous brown eyes.

I begin kissing her soft lips slowly. She being kissing me back I being to move my hands down her waist to her butt, gently squeezing it.

"Elvis" she moans quietly against my lips
I picked her up laying her on the bed softly. I being to take off her flats, then her pants and shirt. She was just left in her black lace set.

I get off the bed taking off my clothes leaving me in my boxers. I walk back over to the bed. Claiming on top is Sofia then pinning her hands to the bed.

I start to kiss her neck kissing all the way til I get to her stomach. I can feel her breathing begin to change. I slowly pull her panties down.

I being to slowly lick her vagina.
"Elvis" she moans trying to reach for my hair. I pushed her hands back down licking her more forcefully.

"Ahhhhh Oh my god!!!" She moans moving her hips along with my mouth.

1 hour later
We both collapse on the bed breathing heavily.

"That's was amazing" she says.
"Yes it was baby" I say turning towards her giving her a kiss.
"Want to take a bath together" I added.
"Yes please but I'm sore so can you help me" she says blushing in embarrassment.

"Yes baby" I say getting up, walking to the bathroom start the bath.
10 mins later
"Ready" I say picking her up
"Most definitely" she says kissing my cheek.

(After the bath)
I wrap a towel around Sofia and one around me. Then walking out of the bathroom I grab her a pair of underwear and a satin pj set that were; light blue shirt with light blue shorts than she put her braids in a ponytail. We got in bed and went to sleep.

Sofia's P.O.V (Morning)
Today was the day I was going to escape. I woke up in a great mood I get dressed that Elvis left out for me.

I walk to the bathroom to change and do my hair. Once I was done I walked downstairs for breakfast. I was about to walk into the kitchen when someone pulls me into the living room. I turn around to see Elvis.

"Hey babe" I say happily.
"Why are you in such a happy mood" he says looking at me seriously.
"Because I'm just am" I say back.
"I'm gladly to see you so happy this morning" he says
"Thank you" I say walking out of the living room to go eat.
"No one said you can leave I'm not done with you" he says.

Oh god he doesn't sound happy oh my god did he find out that I was planning on escaping oh god I hope not if he find out I'm in for it.

"SOFIA!!" He yelled.
"Huh"I say.
"Where you listening to anything I was saying" he says.
"Yes" I say hoping he won't be like so what did I just say.
"Ok than what did I just say" he says circling me.


"Ummmmm I-i I don't know sir" I say.
"So you lied about listening to me" he says pulling me close to him.
"What did I tell you about lying to me sof" he whispers in my ear.
"To don't do it" I whispered
"What were you doing then" he says
"Thinking" I say
"Thinking? About what huh tell me" he says stepping back

He can't find out about me wanting to escape tonight. I have to come up with something quick

"Just about us" I say
"What about us" he says getting close to my face.

I need to get out of here now!

"Just about us being together forever and having a family" I say
"I would love to have a family with you baby" he says smiling

I took a sigh of relief

"Can we go eat now" I say this day is going to be long I thought waiting for his answer.
"Yea baby we can" he says holding my hand walking into the kitchen.

(After breakfast)
"I'm going to go to the tv room" I say.
"Ok love I will be outside if you need me" he says.
"Ok babe" I say walking to the tv room.

Elvis's P.O.V (Afternoon)
Sofia has been acting different these past couple weeks. I hope she is not planning on escaping. I don't think she will she is to scared of me to do it.

I call up some of my friends to come to Graceland to hang out. Once my friends arrived we went swimming and horseback riding before I knew it was starting to get dark. Everyone went home and I want to go see what's Sofia was up to. I want to the tv room and saw her asleep. I picked her up carrying her to our bedroom.

Sofia's P.O.V (Night/Early Morning)
I feel someone lay me down on the bed.i opened my eyes a little and saw Elvis. I slowly go back to sleep.

I woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning. Time to do this I slowly got off the bed, walking to the closet to grab my suitcases.
I quietly opened our bedroom door for the last time, I turned around giving Elvis one last kiss on the forehead.

I took a deep breath and walked out of our bedroom I quickly shut the door, hurrying downstairs to the car waiting for me to take me to the airport.

I looked at the house for the last time and get in the car.
"To the airport please" I say to the chauffeur.
"Yes ma'am" He says.
"Where are you off to this early in the morning" He says.
"Just wanting to see my family I miss them" I say.
"That's great" He says.

The airport was 8 mins away and my flight didn't leave til 6. I guess I can eat something once I get there starting to get hungry. Once we got there I got out, grab my stuff from the car then started heading inside. I grab something to eat and sit in the waiting area for my flight to board I can't wait to get out of Tennessee.

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