Chapter 12

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Elvis's P.O.V (Morning)
I hear my alarm go off at 5 o'clock. I look to the side of me and see that Sofia isn't in bed. I got up quickly walking downstairs looking in every room.

I run back upstairs and looked in the closet all her stuff was gone. I looked on the side table there was a note "Elvis" I picked it up and read it.
Dear Elvis,
I'm sorry to be leaving you this way but I can't deal with the abuse anymore and you pretending like nothing happened,I couldn't say here and just pretend that everything is fucking perfect when it's not I love you so much but I can't live like this I can't Elvis. You have not said sorry to me since the abuse started the only time you said sorry is when we were at the cabin. Do you even love me anymore? Why do you hit me I have done nothing to you I always follow your rules and I still got beat for it I'm sorry I'm not coming back goodbye.
Love Sofia
"GOD DAMN IT FUCK!!!!!" I yelled punching the wall next to me and throwing everything in the room.

"I will find you Sofia and you will be with me again" I say smiling.

Sofia's P.O.V (Morning)
It's almost time to board my flight. I hear the announcer say my plane number I got up then started walking to my gate. I handed the lady my boarding ticket and got on the plane.

11 hours later

We landed in Texas. I got off the plane walking to were our luggage will be delivered at I waited til I saw mine. As I was about to walk out the door to the car I got swarmed by paparazzi. Where is Elvis? Why are you in Texas alone?

Elvis's P.O.V (Afternoon)
2 weeks later
I was watching the news with my parents when I saw Sofia been swarmed by paparazzi outside a restaurant in Corpus Christi,Texas.

"Where are you going son" my mother
said as I was putting on my shoes.

"I'm going to find my babygirl I can't imagine not having her here with me" say grabbing my car key. This was going to be a super long drive so I decided to go on my private plane.

Once I got to the airport, I got out and jogged up the stairs. Not soon after the plane was ready for takeoff.
"I'm coming for your little one" I whispered to myself.

Sofia's P.O.V (Night)
I was so happy to finally be away from Elvis I missed him but not the abuse I couldn't imagine what would happen if he finds me again.

I was in the living room playing a broad game with my siblings. We were waiting for dinner to be ready.

(After dinner)
I went to my room,took a shower and watch some tv than went to bed.

I woke up at 4 o'clock for some reason. I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided so go take a walk outside. While I was walking I hear a car come up to me I looked down and walked faster.

"Hey little one" someone said.
I know what voice from anywhere I flinched and froze.

"Elvis" I whispered

Elvis's P.O.V (Early morning)
We landed about 2 hours ago in Corpus Christi, Texas. Right away we started riding around looking for Sofia. After 3 hours or so we drive down a quiet nice neighborhood. Then we saw a lady walking alone we drove closer to her, it was Sofia.

I got out of the car walking quietly behind her.
"Hey little one" I say I see her flinch then froze.
"Elvis" she whispered.
I walked up to her putting my hand on her shoulder.
"There's my gorgeous girl" I say creasing her face.
"Why are you down here? And Why did you leave me" I say trying to stay calm.

She stayed quiet shaking as I was talking to her.

"ANSWER ME SOFIA!!!" I screamed at her.
She remind silent
"SOFIA!!!!" I screamed again slapping her.

I turn around and ran as fast as I could I couldn't go back with him.

Once I found an open ally I ran down it and continued hearing Elvis yell my name.
Once I knew I was safe I slowed down and sat by an old tree after a while I feel someone pulled me up.........I look it and it was Elvis .

"H-how did y-you find m-me?" Was all that she said. My blood was boiling I grabbed her by her hair shoving her in the car.

"I-i want to g-go back h-home" she whispered crying.
"SHUT UP" I yelled.
"We are going home beautiful" I say.

Once we got to the plane I pulled her out roughly and shoved her up the stairs. I was about to take Sofia to the back of the plane when the pilot said something.

"Sir you shouldn't do this to her on the plane" one of the pilots said.

"Stay the fuck out of this I can do what I fucking want on this damn plane" I said back.

I grabbed Sofia again pulling her to the back of the plane I opened the door to the bedroom and pushed her in locking the door.

Sofia's P.O.V (Morning/Afternoon)
"You think you could leave me like that huh do you?" He says walking up to me.
I started backing up.

"My anger is very very thin so I suggest you start talking because you are already in so much trouble as it is" He says.
"I just wanted to get out of this relationship"She says.
He picked out a jar and throws it above my head.

"AHHHHH!!!!" I screamed.
"SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP SOF!!" He says grabbing my neck.
"stop please"I choke out.
"You want me to let you go that easy" He says punching me in my stomach letting my neck go.

"I HATE YOU! THIS IS WHY I LEFT YOU CANT KEEP NO PROMISE YOU MAKE TO ME YOU PROMISED TO NOT HU-!!!!!" He slapped me he eyes were a dark color now.

I backed up getting away from him then I got up. He pulled me to the floor and got on top of me then started punching me everywhere I was in so much pain.

"This is what bad girls like you deserve you deserve all of this and there is more to come once we get home" he says chuckling.


Elvis put his hand over my mouth.

I bite him. He pulled his hand away and punch me in my face.

"This isn't the last of it I will show you to never leave me again even if it means killing you" He says whispered in my ear.

I was so scared I didn't move nor cry or say anything.

"Get up now"He says.
I try to get up but fell back down.
"Little one can't get it on her own" he says smiling.
He picks me up and walks back to the front of the plane.

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