Squidbeak Survival 2: Calm before the Storm

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Now, the day the trip starts. We see everyone but Kimi at the docks, waiting for this "cruise" to come, as they woke up early to get there soon. Everyone's dressed in some nice, comfortable summer time clothes and outfits, with their bags full of necessities

"So there is where we'll be on the cruise, eh? "Zal asked to be sure. She was wearing a white, knotted,  short-sleeved shirt that exposes her stomach, along with some short jean shorts that looked ripped at the end, which also shows off her thighs. Meanwhile Little Buddy was wearing some small sunglasses, and looked around excitedly.

"Yea, this is a private dock, so it's just to not draw attention." Marie said, looking around to make sure no one but them were here. She was wearing a small shoulder-strapped outfit that reaches just above her thighs, while also wearing a light-green shorts. She had her little head accessory, along with some sunglasses on her head.

"Ah! Can you believe it, we gonna have our own private cruise! I wonder what we'll do first...maybe sunbath...or get in a hot-tub...or anything really." Callie cheered. She's wearing something similar to Marie, but with a black shoulder-strapped tank-top, and some pink somewhat loose shorts. She also had her little head accessory.

"Probably, unless she lied about it." Xander teased. He was wearing a XS-sized loose tank top that completely exposes his stomach, along with some big, baggy black shorts with a red stripe running down the sides.

"Don't ruined it for me!" Callie jokingly whined "Relax Callie, Kimi would never lie." Marie reassured her cousin. She suddenly heard her phone go off. "Huh?......oh she sent me a text."

Marie reads the text out loud for the others.  " 'Marie, just to let you guys know that Bernard will be calling on my phone to talk to Cuttlefish. He wants a trusted adult to come with us.'. "

"So she did lie." Bleu joked. She was wearing a gradient blue-and-purple XL-sized shirt that reaches just above her knees. She wasn't gonna go anywhere without her orange-black visor, which is why she brought it with her.

"I'm sorry, 'trusted adults'? We are adults..." Xander blurted. "He probably wants someone like Cuttlefish to come so we don't cause any trouble."

"Who cares, Gramps is still on his vacation. What are we gonna do? What if he cancel the trip on us?" Callie said worriedly.

Marie's Phone rings, making the group stop and somewhat panicked at the sudden call. Neither of them had no one but them on the trip, and they don't know when will Cuttlefish come back. Of course, they could just not answer it or hang up, but that'll make Bernard suspicions. Xander, digging in his bag, pulled out a small toy device. "Give me the phone, I got this."

Marie hands him the phone. "What are you gonna do?"

Xander puts the device on his neck and picks up the phone.

"Hello...Agent 4?" Everyone was silently surprised by Xander, who sounded exactly like Cuttlefish.

The butler on the other line started to talk.  "...Good evening Mr. Cuttlefish, I just wanted to know that Kimi and her friends are going on a trip on one of our private boats. I am asking if you are coming along to keep us informed on anything happening.  You ARE coming too, right?"

"Why yes I am. My nieces are coming along too, no squid or octo left behind, that's battlefield 101. Ho ho."  Xander decided to sound a little more....like Cuttlefish by adding in extra details.

Callie whispers to Xander. "Not that far, Xander."  "Actually that's accurate for Gramps." Marie whispers.

Bernard on the other line did not sound convinced in the slightest, but processed to play along.  "........Splendid. Now call us if there's any trouble. And remember, this is Takara Property, I want not a single scratch or mark on it. And if that happens, I will have no choice but to-"

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