Squidbeak Survival 7: Leaf Clothes?

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Day 5

'Ugh....My head...What happened? It's so bright!'

"Mmmm..? Eh?" Kimi was the first to wake up, not without clutching her head in pain. She looked around to see that the fire-and the juice-burned out, Callie on the ground with her hands on her chest, Zal with her body covered in vomit and bits of fish -with or/without organs and bones- mostly covering her shirt, and Marie laying on the ground holding a pineapple.

Kimi tried to stand up, not without her legs wobbling and feeling dizzy. She leaned on a nearby tree for support.

Kimi: "Callie?"

Callie: "Mmmm...wha.....what's going on?"

Kimi: "Callie,are you okay? I reckon we must have done something last night."

Callie: "Ugh, I had this weird dream last night.......Zal got us some berries and was about to turn it into juice...in my dream, everything kept changing sizes. At one point everything was bigger, and then smaller....."

Kimi nodded her head in understanding, since she remembers that exact memory too, but in a....different version. Looking around to see the bright sun and the old half-empty coconut shell, only to see it burnt to ash.

Kimi: "Hmmmm....ah. I reckon that explains it."

Callie: "Yep!....Uh, explain what?"

Kimi walked over to the ash in the fire, the smell of burnt, leftover mashed-up berries started to die out. She then walked over to Callie and helped her up.

Kimi: "I'll tell you what happened as soon as we wake everyone up,now come on."

Callie grabbed her hand and got up, following Kimi's instructions and walked to where Zal was, face-down on the ground with vomit everywhere on her.

Callie: "Zal.....ZAL...ZAL WAKE UP!"

Zal: "AAH! I'M AWAKE!!...Oh..cod what happened? And what's that smell?"

Callie covered her nose, looked away and pointed to Zal. "Ugh, it's coming from you..." "Well I mean, we're on a deserted island with no clean water, of course we all stink. You didn't need to be rude bout it." "No, look at your shirt!"

Zal looked down to see vomit cover in fish bones and guts covering all around her shirt and below to her legs. She was taken back from it. "GAAAH! Oh damn!" Callie walked away as far from her.

Meanwhile with Kimi, she went to wake Marie up. She crouches down and shakes her a bit.

Marie: "....mmm.."

Kimi: "hehe, wake up sleepyhead."

Marie: "Uh..my head..."

Kimi: "Let me help you."

Kimi lent a hand to Marie and helped her. "Geez, my head hurts....What hap-.....ew...what is that smell?" "Oh it's just the firepit-....oh, oh my cod. It...something smells like rubbish...Uh let's just go meet the others."

The more Kimi and Marie walked to the others, the stronger the scent becomes more unbearable, they soon met Callie, who was covering her mouth and nose.

"Callie, what is that awful smell?!" Marie asked, also covering her nose, Kimi doing the same. "It's Zal, she's covered in vomit and fish!" Callie exclaimed, pointing to Zal, who was across the beach from them. 

"Well that explains it, but what happened to us last night?" "I reckon it might have been the berries Zal got last night." Kimi told the two. "Might've explained those weird dreams, but what do we do with Zal?"
"What can we do about it? We don't have our clothes or clean water."
"Hmmm...I got an Idea."
"What is it?"

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