Squidbeak Survival 18: A Plan's Coming Together

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Soon after, the crew started to lay down and relax, closing their eyes and letting their meal digest, and slowly drifting to sleep.

Tomorrow, back to Crystal Island!


Day 9

It was now morning, the sun was shining, birds were singing, and the Squidbeak were still sleeping in the safety of the treehouse.

Say, remember back home in the Splatlands? Why don't we take another trip back while everyone's knocked out.


Back at the Takara Mansion

Back at the Takara Mansion, Bernard Akuma was on the phone, listening to another voice on the line and casually talking back.

"So, is the other boat ready?" "......." "It is? Good. Now then, we shall be on the docks at nine sharp. And remember, not a word to the family about this, understand?" "......" "Glad we're both on the same page. Good day sir."

Bernard hangs up the phone, takes out his pocket watch and looks at the time, "8:27" is what it says in roman numerals. He straightened himself up in an attempt to look even more clean, and went to tell Naomi Ella-Demonio the news.

Speaking of Naomi, she hasn't been the same ever since Kimi stopped taking her calls. Which was like...a few days ago, so she was under a lot of stress and in a constant state of worry about what could've happened to her and her friends.

"Naomi. I've just got off the phone, they said the boat will be ready soon. So we shall leave at-" Bernard was cut off by Naomi.

"The boat?! They said the boat would be ready two days ago! Why is it ready now when it should've been ready sooner!?"

"....Mrs. Ella-Demonio, please do not make me remind you about shouting."

Bernard blankly said, not even bothered by her yelling.

"I understand that you are under severe stress these past few days, but they couldn't get the boat prepared in time. I believe you don't know this, but it is difficult to register a boat in such little time."

Naomi stared at Bernard in anger.

"I don't think you understand this, but that is someone's famous daughter. On a boat, with two other celebrities, and three known others. Somewhere lost out in sea, with no contact to us or the Splatlands. What if their friends ask where are they? What if someone already sent out a search team for them?! Do you know what that means for us?! What if Kimamy's family noticed that she's gone somewhere?! They don't even know that we've used not one, but TWO Takara property boats! This whole thing is going to fucking ruin us! We'll be fired because of you!"


Bernard just stared at Naomi, slightly flinching at the fact that she swore at him. You can tell he's clearly mad because his left eye ever so slightly twitched. But he still has that monotone expression.

"....Naomi, I would appreciate it if you refrained from using such language."

"Okay you know what! No! You could do a lot better at trying to find help for them! All you have ever done was act like nothing's wrong!"


Naomi pulled out a dagger from her maid pocket and ran towards Bernard in a blink of an eye. She was about to stab his face, but Bernard managed to avoid it, stopping the blade by putting both his hands on the blade, catching it. Which was impressive because the blade was merely an inch away from his glabella.

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