Chapter 1- Introducing Me

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My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I was bitten by a radioactive spider. For the past week, I've been able to crawl up walls and sense when something is going to harm me seconds before it harms me. Spiderman. I don't know how I ended up being bitten, or why fate chose me. But I wouldn't get rid of it for the world.

"Today, we are here to celebrate the life of Nicholas (L/n)."

My uncle. The uncle that taught me I didn't need to conform to society. The uncle that stood up for me when my parents were harsh. Gone. Gone because I couldn't protect him from them. A lump in my throat built as I listened to my aunt tell his story.

I hadn't even had my powers for a day. My uncle and I were out late, walking around the dim streets of a quiet area. I remembered the sirens running around corners, and my uncle being startled. Uncle Nick then turned, looking at a guy holding a gun to my forehead.

"Give us everything you got, or the kid gets it."

They were muggers with intent to kill who didn't listen. My uncle obeyed, handing him his wallet, phone, and keys. Until they wanted the bracelet I gave him when I was a toddler. It was a string of mismatched beads, but they thought it was a priceless watch or something of the sort. I was too afraid.

They shot him out of annoyance.

I heard the gun go off right into my uncle's chest. They ran off, laughing maniacally. I ran after them, tears blurring my eyes as I went to get my revenge. They messed with the wrong (L/n). I was going to prove myself wrong, that I was strong and fearless.

I dragged the unconscious bodies of the two muggers back to my uncle. I screamed in the street in agony, realizing the bullet didn't hit him where I thought it did. Instead of hitting his side, it hit him directly in the chest, inches away from his heart. I looked at the muggers with fury, wanting to murder them on the spot.

But heroes had morals.

There was a house that could see enough of the accident to call the police. I feared I would get questioned, so I ran. The muggers were waking up, anyway. I was dead inside until a week later, when his funeral was scheduled. I sat in gold cushy chairs that had no place inside of a funeral home. More like a fancy waiting room.

"(Y/n), pay attention," my father hissed, as if I wasn't.

I continued to stare down at my hands. Still bruised from fighting. I shook a little every time I looked at them. But I couldn't stop during the entire speech. I couldn't save him. I was supposed to be a superhero, another Spiderman. Why couldn't I save him? Spiderman saved everyone.

As soon as soft chatter broke out, I rushed over to my uncle's coffin. He looked peaceful. His long black hair was left loose, but neat and brushed. The nice suit he was wearing masked the horror hiding behind the white shirt. His hands rested on his chest. I tugged the cuff of his right arm back, only to reveal the bracelet he had fought for.

I sobbed quietly as I leaned on the edge of it. My father immediately tugged me away.

"What are you thinking?" he questioned. "We are (L/n). You should not be shaming us by bawling over your uncle's expensive coffin."

Mother stood by, not even looking at me. Uncle Nick was her brother. How dare my father make it act like I was overreacting. My uncle was dead. The person who took me in when my parents would fight was gone. I ran out of the funeral home, hiding in an alleyway to avoid my parents.

I was only about to be fourteen.

"Kid, it's not safe in that alleyway."

I looked up at the rooftops. Spiderman seemed to be just sitting there, watching me like a hawk watching prey. I wiped away my tears and smoothed out my dress. Unspoken words were left in my throat as he was about to walk away. I cleared my throat, pushing back the anxiety that so desperately wanted to overwhelm me.

"I need your help."

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