Chapter 24- Jessica Drew

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Gwen and I went into a building, where it looked like the top floor had exploded.

"Gwen?" I questioned.

"Oh, shit," she muttered. She hit something on her watch that scanned the room. "Show me what happened."

"Woah," I breathed.

"Replay commencing."

I saw the Spot talking about getting more power. It fast forwarded through most of the parts. The mini collider made me gasp. A small black hole opened in the room as Spot swore his vengeance on us. He touched the black hole, giving him a ton more power. He got sucked into a black hole and made the small room explode.

"No! Why, why, why, why?" Gwen said in frustration.

"Gwen, Gwen-"

"Gwen," a hologram said behind her. "Hi! Whatcha doin'?" She glared at me. "Why is she here?"

"She deserves to know what's going on," Gwen snapped. "She's the reason most of us believe in fighting."

My hologram mask disappeared. "Hi. I'm assuming you're Mrs. Drew?"

"Jess," she corrected me.

"Jess," I repeated.

Jess turned back to Gwen. "Where's the bad guy you were supposed to monitor?"

"He-He stepped out for a bit," Gwen lied.

"Dude!" Jess exclaimed.

"Look, he's just some villain of the weak," Gwen pleaded.

"Lyla," Jess called.

"Tracking," Lyla replied.

The Spot was dimension hopping. My eyes widened. The dimensions could collapse.

"His original power, forgive us for not stopping him earlier, was creating little portals into other places. Now, with this... other universes," I explained.

"Did you go see your little friend?" Jess asked.

"What? No," Gwen blurted out.


"I mean..."

"Are you kidding me right now?" Jess questioned.

"Only briefly. From afar."

"How far?" Jess snapped.

"Like, you know." Gwen outstretched her arms. The space got smaller and smaller.

"Oh, that's way too close," Lyla commented, making me smile.

"Girl." Jess sighed in frustration.

"I just—I had to know how they were. And I wanted to bring her on this one since she is one of the smartest people I know," Gwen admitted.

"I-I honestly can't with you."

It's like being scolded by your own mother.

"Look, I know I messed up, okay?"

"He can't be part of this. They can't be part of this," Jess clarified, glancing at me.

"She's not one of them!" Gwen snapped. "Fine, fine. I'll never see him again, alright?"

"No kidding."

"Hey guys, guys!" Lyla interrupted. "He's making his own portals."

"He can jump wherever he wants. He could be a total canon killer."

"You told me he was a villain of the weak." Jess glared at Gwen. "Do you know how bad this is for you?"

"Every dimension he stops at has an Alchemax."

"What's he up to, Gwen?" Jess questioned.

"He wants to get stronger," I cut in. "Alchemax is where he worked. He was one of the researchers that built the collider. He knows how to build another. He wants to be able to jump wherever he wants. And I think that will break everything down unless we stop him."

"Amazing," Jess said sarcastically.

"I'll get him, okay?" Gwen snapped. "I can get backup."

"If Miguel finds out I let you come-"

"Don't tell Miguel," Gwen interrupted. "He'll kick me out, and... what if he sends me home?"

"I got him!" Lyla announced. "Earth fifty-one-oh-one. What do you wanna do?"

"You never made a mistake?" I finally questioned Jess.

"Never got too close to someone?" Gwen added.

"I did. But I got over it," Jess admitted. "Alert the local spider. Tell him Gwen and (Y/n) will meet him there."

"Thank you, thank you so so much-"

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome. Shut up," Jess said jokingly. "You got an hour to fix this. Or I can't help you." Jess disappeared.

"Who put a stick up her butt?" I questioned, making Gwen's eyes widen. "Seriously. You're a freaking teenager. We just got our powers, and a person who's had their powers for years is telling us off like she's perfect."

"She knows what's best," Gwen tried to reason.

I shook my head. "Her story is different, Gwen. You're different than her, and I'm different than you. Every story is unique. So no story will unfold the way it's supposed to."

Gwen nodded after a moment, then took my hand. "Come on. I'm warning you, try to stick the landing."

We walked through the portal. I was bombarded by colors and shapes. I almost felt queasy. But the world we fell into was so different. It was filled with colors, and looked like an Indian version of New York. Was that part of their story? I remembered meeting someone who said their world was similar. Her last name was Singh, I think.

Gwen and I immediately spotted the Spot. He was freaking the locals out, making portals to teleport himself around the city. He really was slippery, like Lyla said. I webbed him to the post, and Gwen was about to throw a punch.

"Hey, I'm here to help!"

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