Chapter 21- The Future

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Sophomore year was not easy. Every year was mentally challenging, but this year seemed to really have it out for me. Mom was waiting for me in the counselor's office, wanting to talk to the counselor about my best options for colleges with my desired major: forensic science.

I burst into the office, fixing my tie and smoothing out my long skirt.

"I am so sorry I am late-"

"Miss Parker, you are a minute early." Ms. Jones smiled lightly at me. "Take a seat."

The woman sitting behind the desk was so different compared to the rumors I had heard about her when I was assigned to her. Most called her incompetent, some called her mean. I saw a sweet woman in her middle ages with graying black hair and brown eyes.

"So, how well is she doing?" Mom smiled brightly at the woman.

"In terms of grades, extremely well given... past events." Ms. Jones gave me a little fake smile. "Some teachers have noticed her falling behind on an assignment when she is not present, but she always gets them done. Um... A teacher has noticed dissociative behavior, but that's not out of the ordinary."

"Just caught in my own thoughts," I assured Mom.

"A's all around." Ms. Jones smiled at me. "She's overall a great student, and a pleasure to have in my office."

"What's been going on?" Mom asked, looking at me.

"Just... flashbacks," I admitted. "I'll just start shaking, and I can hear things from then."

"Her friend Miles always brings her here," Ms. Jones added. "He's a great student and friend, it seems."

I pursed my lips for a moment, not getting the courage to explain that Miles was a lot more than a friend. "It usually happens once every few weeks."

"Do I have permission to tell her how many times in the past two months?" Ms. Jones asked.

I nodded nervously. "Six," she revealed.

Mom tentatively put a hand on my shoulder. "Maybe we should talk to our doctor about this, no?"

I nodded again.

"In terms of colleges..."

I tuned out once I got a message on my watch. Miles, roughly explaining that there was a villain who could teleport. It was barely decipherable, but knowing Miles for years helped me decode what he was trying to say. I glanced at the window, not seeing Miles or any villain being flung across the city.

"So, any questions?" Ms. Jones asked.

"Nope," I answered quickly, gathering my things. "Sorry, Mom, school doesn't like to keep in time with me."

"I get it," Mom assured me, knowing what I was going to do. "Go."

"Thank you, Ms. Jones!" I called before I rushed out of the office.

Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself again.

My name is (Y/n) Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last 2 and a half years, I've been Brooklyn's one and only Spiderwoman. Things are going okay. Working with Spiderman to catch all sorts of bad guys. I've been trying to design my new suit, but never figured out a design. Hopefully soon, though.

Aunt May moved to Florida. Mom bought her house to keep the Spider cave. She also didn't tell me she was pregnant. I met some friends as our dimension became like an anomaly hotspot. Miles would have freaked out at some of them. Mom and I have stayed out of the news as much as possible. But Spiderwoman is another story.

I missed my uncle, parents, and Dad every day. I've been trying to make more friends ever since the incident, but... I missed the people I could relate to too much. And the watches disconnected, so we haven't been able to talk. But we've had enough incidents of anomalies to know that we're not alone and I'm not the only (Y/n) out there.

I jumped onto the roof just in time to see Miles tie up the villain through little black holes.

"Well, it seems like you got that taken care of," I commented.

"Your costume's too tight in the back, by the way," the villain commented as both of us swung away.

"Sorry I was late. Had my own meeting," I explained.

"Is it really too tight?" Miles asked unsurely.

"Not at all," I assured him.

Maybe it was a little tight, but I didn't mind it.

I got back to my dorm, taking a moment to stare at Gwen's empty space. I missed her the most. She understood. She knew what I went through. I looked out the window then and saw the villain from before pushing an ATM through a black hole. Mr. Davis was following me.

The call from my watch went through to the headset built into my mask.

"Mi amor, lo siento, but can you please put that cake order for the party tonight in so I can pick it up later tonight? I promise I'll pick it up and pay for it and everything. And I'll deal with the villain."

"I'll put it in online, okay? And don't hurt yourself."

"How dangerous can he be?"

"Miles, he is out of control of a power that gives him the ability to travel through space. Who knows where he got those powers or what they can grow to?"

"You're so smart, hermosa-" The call cut off, making me sigh.

He's the love of my life.

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