Chapter 11- Other Spiders

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I knocked on my assigned dorm, unlocking it. "Hello?"

"Who are you?" the girl asked.

She had short blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked tough, and I definitely didn't want to mess with her. But she was quiet, since her voice was meek. I inspected her, making sure she wasn't a secret serial killer.

"Your new roommate?" I guessed, looking at the door number to make sure I had the right dorm.

"Gwanda," she said unsurely.

My senses went off. "What's your real name?"

She looked at me in surprise. "G-Gwen."

"I know better than for people to lie to me," I said, setting my bag on the bottom bunk.

Gwen stood in front of me. "You didn't tell me your name."

I held out my hand. "(Y/n) Parker."

She shook my hand in shock. My senses went crazy. "You're one of us," I breathed. She then glitched, making me jump slightly. "Just not from here."

"You are?" Gwen questioned.

I nodded. "Yes, in fact."

"Are you his actual daughter?" Gwen asked.

"No." I shook my head, laughing. "He's eleven years older than me. But, after my parents died, and I almost did, they took me in. They adopted me."

"Wow. How'd you almost..." Gwen trailed off.

"Die? Kingpin shot my parents in the head, then me in the torso. Coma for almost a month," I said. "But, enough about me. Where are you from?"

"Well, I'm in a band. I saved my dad." Gwen looked down sadly.

"Who died?" I asked, knowing that look.

"He did." Gwen frowned. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I understand," I assured her. "Well, roomie, should we start unpacking?"

She smiled. "We should."

Gwen and I bonded as we unpacked, laughing at points. Maybe she's a new friend.


"Mr. Morales, moving in the dark. You're late again." The teacher paused the movie.

I looked up from drawing. Miles looked unhappy with half of his locker in his hands. I smiled, knowing this wasn't going to be good. Being revealed late was humiliating back at our old school.

"Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early." Miles tried to trick the teacher.

I laughed quietly as Gwen looked at me, smiling. I looked down, smiling and pretending not to notice him. Some students were snickering. Most of the kids here acted like pompous pricks.

"Would you like to keep standing there, or do you wanna sit down?" the teacher questioned.

He sat down next to me and the video continued to play.

"You know him?" Gwen whispered.

"Tell you later," I whispered back as I fiddled with my sunflower charm.

Miles looked at me and smiled. I brushed back a piece of hair, focusing on my drawing. Great Expectations. My parents were preparing me for this school. I was grateful for it. But the cost of neglect was also something I was not grateful for.

Miles smiled. "Are you going to talk to me or what?"

"Talk later," I whispered. "The teachers are on my tail too much."

He nodded and tried to focus on the documentary. We got out of class, and Miles raced after me. He always liked to walk with me. I found walking with him comforting in such a big school.

"Why didn't you want to talk?" Miles asked.

"The teachers noticed that I've been a little too talkative to my roommate. Didn't want you to get in trouble too," I explained.

The bell rang for the five-minute warning. "I love you, sunflower," Miles breathed.

"I love you too. I'll see you during study hall," I said, rushing off to find Gwen.

"There you are!" Gwen said, smiling. "Now you're telling me."

"Miles is my boyfriend." I looked down at the ground, smiling.

"That's why you wear this thing all the time." Gwen motioned to my bracelet.

"Exactly," I confirmed. "I'm going to be gone for an hour or so after school is done."

"Superhero stuff?" Gwen whispered.

I nodded, and she nodded in understanding.

I made sure to get back to the dorm by seven. Miles said he was surprising me.

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