Chapter 4- Just a Best Friend

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"There's the girl of the visit that we can stay as long as we want until closing time." Miles looked at his watch to check how much time we had left.

I smiled. "Then let's make the most of it."

We walked into the museum and started to walk around. I remembered Mom and Dad taking me here when I was six since they had nothing better to do. Sometimes they would just leave me in an interactive exhibit like I was being dropped off at a daycare. They scolded me when I was returned to them, sobbing because I thought I lost them.

We walked into the graffiti section and I clutched the strap of my bag. I loved Lady Pink's artwork. It was very unique. Miles smiled at some of the graffiti, probably getting ideas for something to draw.

I noticed a buff guy in a jacket pass by us and I looked at him curiously. He glanced at me with a deadly glare and looked away. I blinked, thinking it was from the accident. He was still there. What made me more worried was my senses going off like crazy as he looked back at me every few minutes.

"Want to go look at the Egyptian exhibit?" Miles offered.

"Sure." I nodded, not sure if we could be safe near the man.

We ran off to the Egyptian exhibit. I didn't see the man around us, so I knew we were safe for now. I looked around at the hieroglyphics, wondering how they made up this language that very few people in the world knew. Hundreds of historians have tried to decipher the carvings, but some of it was so eroded that they couldn't.

"Curious?" Miles asked, looking over at me from the other end of the room.

I nodded. "Definitely." I paused. "I wondered if there were superheroes in Egypt."

"That would be sick, wouldn't it?" Miles asked. "Imagine Spiderman in a skirt shooting webs everywhere." Miles mimicked Spiderman with his web shooters.

I stifled a loud laugh. "What would the webs be made of? I read in an article that he makes his webs from a chemical formula."

"Whatever gave him his powers probably gave him the power to produce his own web fluid," Miles pointed out. He took a deep breath. "How about a movie next time we hang out?"

My cheeks flushed slightly pink. "That sounds great, actually."

We talked normally for the rest of the visit. He knew that I didn't really consider my parents my parents. They weren't my parents by the way they treated me. They treated me as though I was some neglected dog. So, he began talking about his family. I was closer to them at that point than my own.

"I turn to my uncle when my parents don't exactly understand me. He's the coolest guy I know," Miles said.

I shifted my headphones around my neck. "I knew someone like that." And Peter.

"Come on. It's almost closing time." Miles took my hand and we walked out of the museum together.

That was new. Him wanting to hold my hand. My cheeks were flushed as I realized I didn't mind his soothing thumb rubbing over my knuckle as we slowly walked toward the exit. He had to let go of me to go through a security measure, but then grabbed my hand again like it was normal.

"Miles... Is there something going on?" I asked as the cool air of the darkening sky hit us.

Just a best friend.

"Um..." It looked like Miles couldn't find words.

Just a good friend.

"Miles, you can tell me things," I assured him.

He started to sweat nervously, but I could only notice a little shininess on his forehead.

Just a good friend, I warned myself.

"I don't want to hang out when we go to the movies."

It felt like something in me shattered as my heart dropped. Was he getting sick of me?

I was almost afraid of asking. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't want to ask you to hang out," Miles admitted. "I wanted to ask you... on a date."

Oh. My heart mended itself in relief, then soared at the realization.

He never was just a good friend. No, he was my crush. And I denied it for weeks.

"Miles..." I trailed off, trying to find words over my racing thoughts and heart.

"I'm sorry if that made things awkward," Miles apologized sheepishly. "I knew I should have kept it a secret. But you're so great, (Y/n). You lighten up my bad mood every time you're around me because you have a really cute smile. And-"

"Miles, I'd actually love to," I cut him off.

He froze for a second. "Actually?"

I smiled. "Yeah, actually."

"Yes." He pumped his fists back, making me smile. He looked really happy. "Friday night. There's a great movie showing there. I will make sure to stay awake this time"

I nodded. "Friday night."

I hugged him goodbye like I always did. But it didn't feel like before. It felt like I was being comforted and warmed by a tame fire, never meant to hurt me. Only to protect me and light up my way. His warmth engulfed me as I laid my head on his shoulder, holding him for just a bit longer than we normally hugged.

I pulled away because I noticed the sun about to set. Miles walked away from me.


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