Part 5

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Upon arriving to the apartment Shuhua went to the bathroom to take a shower and Soojin put their bags down,Soojin went to the kitchen to get things ready for the upcoming morning,she had prepared a couple of movies that were Shuhua's favourite back then and had snacks hidden that were also the younger favourites.

- Soojin Unnie!
Shuhua called Soojin and Soojin immediately dropped everything she was doing to run to the guest room.

- Are you okay?
Soojin asked worried and Shuhua giggled.

- Yes, I just wanted help with the necklace, I can't take it off for some reason.
Shuhua pouts and Soojin smiles, Shuhua grabs her hair a holds it up, Soojin carefully takes it out giving it to Shuhua.

- There you go.
She smiles.

- Wait, help me to put this one there.

Shuhua points to a very familiar necklace to Soojin, it was her first gift to Shuhua when they started dating, as both had the same initial Soojin gave Shuhua a necklace with the letter S with a blue butterfly resting on it, the smile on Soojin's face was noticed by Shuhua.

- Do you like it?
Shuhua asks while Soojin was putting it on Shuhua and now putting Shuhua's hair down.

- It's pretty, whomever gave you this must love you a lot.
Shuhua sighs.

- I remember it was someone I loved, but I can'r remember much from my teenage years.

-Maybe someday you will, maybe the someone you loved isn't that far...

Soojin said now making her way out.

- Thank You...

Shuhua said

- Not a problem.
Soojin answered stopping at the door to look back at Shuhua.

-Today was magical.
Shuhua smiled to Soojin, getting herself to bed.

- Good Night Shuhua.

Soojin says closing the door, she slowly slide down her body now sitting on the floor and hugging herself allowing to cry, she wanted to scream that is her, she wants to hold Shuhua once again, she wants to tell the world that their love never died, she wants to scream to the 7 seas that everything she has been waiting for became true.

-Next Day-

- Good Morning everyone, wake wake!!!
There she was Minnie, Shuhua's most Loyal.

Both doors opened at the same time.

-Oh, Minnie, Good Morning.
Soojin said trying to open her eyes properly as the room outside was very bright.

- Unniieeeee!
Shuhua ran to Minnie like she was just a little kid again.

- Morning, I brought some friends over...

The elevator door opens and well the group was together again.

- Morning!
Soyeon smiled, Yuqi appeared right behind her and so did Miyeon.

- Woah, Hi everyone!
Shuhua said smiling and Yuqi wanted to hug her so badly but Soyeon held her wife.

- Hello, Shuhua. I am Jeon Soyeon and this is my wife Song Yuqi, we are very happy to meet you.

Soyeon smiled giving her hand and Shuhua shakes it.
- This is my pleasure, Soojin talks a lot about you.

- Oh, So now Soojin is in love with my wife?
Yuqi say squinting her eyes making Soojin burst into laughter.

- Gurl, I couldn't be in love with Soyeon in a million years we already lived enough together to know we would not last a day calm down Yuqi.

Soojin said still laughing.

- Shuhua, can I talk to you?
Minnie said and Shuhua nodded making her way to the guest room.

- What is it Unnie?
Shuhua asks

- Is she treating you alright?
Minnie asks looking around Shuhua's body.

- Yes, She took me to the Aquarium and a restaurant yesterday.
Shuhua said proudly and looked at Minnie.
- Unnie, Don't worry Soojin is a great friend, though there's something when I am next to her, is like everything makes sense isn't it weird?

Minnie now looked away and took a deep breath.

- There's something you need to know, but I am not going to be the one to say it.

Minnie gives Shuhua a kiss in the forehead and leaves the room making Shuhua question things, when she looks at the bed there was a turned down polaroid, she doesn't remember having this when she woke up, she turns it and smiles it was the photo Soojin took of their hands at the aquarium, Shuhua felt her cheeks warming up again and lays on the bed.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Soojin and Miyeon were cooking breakfast for the others.

- So, do you still like her ?
Miyeon asks.

- Well, Long time no see too.

Soojin giggles and continues.

- To answer that, Yes... She has and will always be the love of my life regardless of time.

- I hope you get to have her falling in love again...
Miyeon says.

- It is crazy isn't it?
Now Yuqi's voice catches the  attention of both women.

- What?
Miyeon asks.

- That we are all finally here, I mean it has been 13 years... since we know each other and 10 that we haven't even spoke, Shuhua is here... You Married Minnie? Like who could have imagined.
Yuqi says now sitting on the table area.

- I mean yes...
Soojin says going back to cooking.

- I just wish we had our Shuhua back, she has been my best friend for so long and since that accident we all just fell apart and is scary to think she might never remember us...

Yuqi hold back her tears.

- Hey, Yuqi is okay...
Soyeon appears the second she feels her wife is not alright.

- I miss her so much...
Yuqi says now being hugged by her wife.

- We all do...
Soojin says and  finished the breakfast prep followed by Miyeon, both get the table ready inviting everyone, Shuhua gets out of the room and makes her way to the table sitting beside Minnie and Miyeon.

- Enjoy everyone!
Miyeon says and the girls start to eat quietly.

It has been a long while since this scene had played in their lives, It has been a long while since they felt comfortable even in the silence with each other but from now on it will not be the last time.

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