Part 8

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Shoes on the path, feet hurting, tears streaming down her cold cheeks, Soojin had no idea where the fuck in this big property she ended up, She could not hear Shuhua or the party anymore.

She yells to the quiet forest.

- Inside the house -

-Do you know her?
Shuhua asks her father looking confused, he gulps and looks away.

- I've heard that you are working with her...
Her father himself couldn't tell her, is not his place and he would hate to have his daughter falling in love again or being sick again as he always thought their relationship was leaving Shuhua.

- Oh, I see... Is just weird that she left like this hum...
Shuhua was now fully confused on Soojin's reaction

- Yeah, your friend is strange...
Her father looked for his wife.

- Okay, I think I should go find her dad...

- No, let's just keep going with the party, talk to her tomorrow...

- I think I should go...
Shuhua was not gonna leave Soojin alone, she has no Idea where Shuhua parents house is, she started walking to the door with a weird feeling of heartache.

Soojin was now getting up, her hopes were all down, she had no idea where she was, she took small steps so she wouldn't scare any animal or make her presence known, at least in her mind her dress was a mess, she had small superficial cuts on her arms.

Shuhua's voice was now echoing, Soojin didn't know where she was so her best bet would just be face Shuhua, if Shuhua's father have told her she would just face it, she can't hide and if he didn't she would now tell Shuhua how she has been feeling and who she really is, what this has been all about, there's no more lies...

Soojin yelled back, she needed to get out of there.

They yelled until Soojin was finally able to find Shuhua who had grabbed a blanket as her thoughts of Soojin being in the forest were right, she wrapped Soojin on the blanket and hugged her.

- I'm so sorry... I-
Soojin wasn't able to finish her thoughts.

- Is alright, let's just go home okay?
Shuhua said and Soojin just nodded, Shuhua's driver took them both home and once there Soojin went to her apartment with Shuhua, Soojin took a shower and met Shuhua back at the living room.

- Are you alright?
Shuhua spoke again after a long silence between them from the party to the apartment complex.

- Yeah... Actually no, I need to tell you something.

Soojin said walking slowly near Shuhua.

- What is it?
Shuhua looks at Soojin's every step.

- I lied to you...  I've been lying to you...

Shuhua got even more confused.

- Wait, what do you mean?

- Shuhua, I... 10 years ago, You had an accident, Me, You, Yuqi, Soyeon, Miyeon... We were all friends, and you were my girlfriend, you and Yuqi fell during a hiking trip that we were doing, You were worse than Yuqi and basically when I tried to see you at the hospital your father told me to never ever speak with you again, He said that I made you sick because we were together and your father hates that you were with me,I tried my best but he made the craziest threats so I had to let you go I couldn't do anything on how much stronger and powerful your father was...

Shuhua was listening to all that information and putting all the dots together to why as soon as Shuhua turned 20 Her father forced her to marry to why he was never letting her go to Seoul again, why he kept Shuhua inside for so long afraid that memories would come back, but they never did.

- Soojin, Is this a joke? Stop playing games...

- It's not a game Shuhua, I, we dated for years until your accident, on that trip I was planning to propose and everything went wrong I am so sorry...

Tears were falling on Soojin's cheeks, she knew that she was going to lose Shuhua.

- Listen, I... I need to go...

Shuhua got up and left to the elevator not giving Soojin a chance to explain herself further; Shuhua got home and went to her room, she sat on her bed and just cried, she cried as hard as she could, she didn't want to believe that her father was this type of man, the person she  looked up to and even tho he was sometimes stepping all the boundaries is her dad right? So he is just wanting what is best for his daughter.

Meanwhile Soojin Apartment

- Great...
Soojin took a deep breath, went to the washroom washed her face and looked down at the water slowly draining.

- What am I gonna do? She probably thinks I am crazy...

Soojin goes to her closet putting  cargo pants and a black hoodie grabbing her keys and going to the garage, she entered in her car and she just drove away from the complex, she had no way pointed but all she did was drive, she stopped only once to get more gas and text Miyeon that she had something Urgent to take care of and would be 2 days away from the office.

Shuhua couldn't wrap everything that has happened that night on her head but that didn't stop her from going to work, she was trying her best, she went to her meetings, she went to her appointments and even went to the Construction site not even asking for Soojin which was the topic on Miyeon's dinner with her wife.

-Baby, has Shuhua spoke to you about Soojin today?
Miyeon looks at her wife who was enjoying Miyeon's cooking and then she looks at her.

- No, now that you mention it I don't think I've heard Shuhua speak about her the whole entire day which is unusual.
Minnie was now trying to remember if at any time Shuhua mentioned Soojin but she couldn't recollect at all.

- Soojin sent me a text last night that she had some business to take for 2 days, you think they fought??

Miyeon was about to finish her meal.

- Probably, well they both adults they will get over it, I hope...
Minnie finished her and so does Miyeon who gets up and grabs their plates.

- Yeah, I hope...

- I think Soojin told her, and it did not go well.

Minnie sighed and kissed Miyeon's cheek.

- I think too, go get ready to bed I'll be there in a minute.

Minnie nodded and went to their room.

- Soojin -

Soojin was in the back of her car, she had the trunk open, and the seats down, she was looking over the whole city from the spot she chose to stay quiet for the day, sipping her coffee she was seeing the sun go down slowly.

- Well, I found you...
Soyeon's voice startled Soojin.

- For God sake from where in the under world did you came from?!!

Soojin put her mug beside her putting her hand over her chest for her increasing heart beat.

- Well, someone is worried about you and asked me to check on you...
Soyeon set on the other side beside Soojin.

- Did she?

- Yes, She is confused, and so are you to her reaction.
I know how you are feeling Soo, and is valid and so is how she is feeling.

- I just didn't want to lose her, Soy...

- You didn't, it's part of the process, she haven't seen you in 10 years yet she likes you...

- You are right...

-But still give yourself and her time, take it in nothing will be like the day before you spoke to her is all a getting trust back process all over again.

Soojin looked down when Soyeon said that.

- You are the best Soojin, and she will see it or remember it and things will get better I promise you.

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