Part 11

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- Oh this restaurant is perfect, you are going to love it.
SinB says and Soojin takes a deep breath.

- I would rather go to another restaurant.
Soojin said knowing exactly what SinB was doing

- Oh, Come on is just a restaurant.
She said and Soojin bit her lips in disappointment.

- Listen, SinB this is all cool and I know you want to reconnect but this is not okay.

She was straight to the point and Shuhua was a little bit confused.

- Oh Come On Soojin, I know it has been a couple of years but as I said is just a restaurant.

- The exact restaurant we met? The exact one we decided to disappear from each others life? I don't need this okay?

Shuhua was just standing there listening to what was being said in the conversation.

- Let's go babe...
Shuhua says taking Soojin's hand and dragging her to the car, she knew Soojin was getting upset so it would be better if they just left; Once Shuhua put Soojin at the passenger seat she entered the car and started it.

- I am sorry babe...
Soojin says looking down.

- It's not your fault.

Shuhua whispers and drives away from the restaurant.

- Can I crash at your place tonight?
Soojin asks and Shuhua nods.

- Sure babe, it will be okay. We should take a small break... Miyeon took hers last week so we should take one as well.

Shuhua smiled and Soojin hummed to the Idea, both smiled, it was time for them to really have a time for themselves.

- I love you...
Soojin whispers to Shuhua once they reach the elevator.

- Thanks Babe.
Shuhua hugs Soojin.

————— Later in the night ————

Shuhua was tossing herself side to side before letting out a big gasp and sitting in her bed breathing heavily.
Soojin wakes up and looks at Shuhua worried.

- Are you Okay?
She whispers caressing Shuhua's hair.

-Yes...It was just a nightmare, I am sorry to wake you up...

Shuhua says.

- Hey, It's alright babe. I'm here for you.

Soojin whispers kissing Shuhua's cheek.

- I love you...
Shuhua whispers and Soojin's heart skips a beat, was it really happening for real?

- I Love you more...
Soojin Whispers into Shuhua's ear, the warm embrace, the closed eyes, the slow breathing, the loud beating sound of their hearts.

- When I say I love you more it doesn't mean that I love you more than you love me, I mean that I love you more than the bad days ahead of us. I love you more than any fight we will ever have,I love you more than the distance we had between us all these years, I love you more than any obstacles that could ever come between us...

Soojin finally said, Shuhua hugged her so tight, the thought of ever again losing the most amazing person to her, even tho at first it all looked so far away from reality, even tho for so long Shuhua couldn't remember, even tho Shuhua felt like Soojin was a huge liar when it all came to her knowledge, in the end she knew that her heart was meant to be hers... There would be nobody in this world that would love her more than Soojin ever did.

- Thank You.
Shuhua whispered back and kissed Soojin as if it was the first time, it was gentle but also needy and it was pure and Longing, it was just them all over again.


The morning came like any other morning, Soojin was in the kitchen already making their breakfast and Shuhua was still asleep, Soojin's phone rings and she picks up.

- Hello?
Soojin says a bit far from the phone while reaching for something.


MIyeon's voice was cracking and Soojin stopped everything turned of the oven and Cleaned her hands.

- I'll be there in 20 MINUTES !

Soojin said and made her way to Shuhua.

- Babe, wake up... Please wake up we need to go.

Shuhua turned around still very sleepy.

- What is going on?
She asked.

- Our Project building one of the sections is on fire! We have to go right now!

Shuhua got up very quickly and started running to the washroom to freshen up and go to the project site.


There were 6 fire trucks surrounding the building, as soon as Soojin pulled up they got out and tried to get in.

- This is my Building.

Shuhua said looking at the firefighter, the second Miyeon saw them she ran to them letting them in.

- I'm so sorry I woke up early and received a phone call It has almost been put off but I'm afraid that we have. A lot to review after this disaster...

- Is everyone okay? Was there any worker ?
Soojin interrupts Miyeon before she says anything else.

- There was no one on site, fortunately.

- That's good, I'm goad everyone is safe, glad you are safe. Why don't you go home, I and Shuhua can take care of the rest, thank you.

Soojin said and Miyeon nodded making her way out.

- It will be a long day, if you want to go home you can.

Soojin said caressing Shuhua's cheek and Shuhua smiled.

- Well, this is my Building, your project we both need to be here now let's take a look at the damage my father will be furious... and we need to know fast if it was intentional or not...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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