Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51

Yan Lei did not expect to be chased by Captain Zhao and asked if money was tight and if something happened at home.

Yan Lei: "?"

"Isn't this...why are my brothers and sisters wearing homespun cloth?" Captain Zhao said, "When I entered your yard last night, I thought some old lady was coming to visit."

Yan Lei: "..."

Although Yan Lei knew that Qiao Wei had really changed her mind after that incident and wanted to live a more down-to-earth life with him. But he actually didn't quite understand the direction of her aesthetic changes.

Very puzzling.

But, husband and wife are one.

"No, there is no difficulty in using money." He straightened his hat and said, "It's just that she and I have communicated and learned very well recently. The two of us have made progress together."

Negative distance communication.

Make rapid progress in certain aspects and open up a new world together.

It is true that the lesbian Xiao Qiao used to have relatively strong petty bourgeois ideas. Captain Zhao has such a good relationship with Yan Lei, how could he not know this?

Hearing this, I was very happy for him.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. She is also a working-class girl with a good foundation and a good reputation. How can she be so squeamish?"

"But it doesn't matter. It's good if you can change it. It scared me. I thought something happened to your family to make it so simple. Tell your siblings that you don't have to be so harsh on yourself. Just stay together. After all, we are also a cadre family. This is a good life. We earned it with our bloodshed. We should be fed and clothed."

"Her progress, do you say, can be seen by all? No, can be seen by all?"

Yan Lei: "'s obvious to all."

He was pretty sure it was there for all to see. He has read it more than once in the books he has read recently. In fact, he only needs to read it once to remember it. After reading it two or three times, I remember it firmly.

By the way, his vocabulary has really improved recently.

"Yes, yes, yes, tell Xiao Qiao, her progress is obvious to all!" Captain Zhao said sincerely, "If I can stop you from washing dishes, she will have no shortcomings."

When he got home, he first told Sister Yang about the salary increase.

Sister Yang was very happy.

Then tell Sister Yang that Captain Fan didn't get a salary increase.

Sister Yang was even happier when she heard that Xia Hehua's man did not get a salary increase than when her own man received a salary increase.

"Yes!" she laughed.

Captain Zhao also said that Master Pan was going to carry out a rectification movement and asked the cadres to restrain their families: "I didn't mention him by name or surname, but everyone knows that he is criticizing Fan Shigui."

"I heard that we were called over to scold him when we left last night. Fan Shigui seemed to have beaten his wife when he came home."

"Although Xia Hehua deserves to be beaten, you might as well ask me to do it." Sister Yang spat, "A man who beats his wife has no future."

Finally, Captain Zhao said: "Xiao Yan is fine, he is not short of money."

As both men, although Yan Lei was particularly rude about washing dishes, Captain Zhao had to support him. He crossed his waist and said, "Yan, finally the man has subdued Xiao Qiao. Now Qiao, she has changed her face, like a real daughter of the proletariat, and pays attention to hardship and simplicity."

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