Chapter 111-120

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Chapter 111

Extra: "Yan Xiang's Daily Life at the Radio Station"

Mom doesn't have a watch, but Yan Xiang can tell how long this journey took by feeling.

When he told his mother for the first time, she was very surprised. Then she touched his head and sighed with a smile: "Oh, genius is full of things."

The genius Yan Xiang understood.

What does it mean to be full? Too full?

He and his mother walked hand in hand on that stretch of road every day.

Humming a song.

The sun is shining brightly and the morning breeze is clear.

Mom will greet people she knows loudly, calling her sister-in-law or eldest sister.

Everyone has smiles on their faces. Some people are in a hurry and will turn to call their mother: "Lao Li's family said there is an elbow today! Hurry up! I'll go over and help you line up!"

His mother quickly picked him up and ran after him.

The elbow is too hard to grab.

Want to grab the head.

Mom was very happy to get the elbow. That night we ate soy pork elbow at home.

Mom also cut a bowl and brought it to everyone Zhao.

Yan Xiang kindly reminded Junjun to brush his teeth after dinner, but Junjun stuck out his tongue at him and made faces.

Later, Junjun's tooth was broken and he cried in pain. Yan Xiang was not surprised at all.


After shopping for groceries every day, he would leisurely go home in the sunshine, tidy up the house, and then his mother would take him to work at the radio station.

Yan Xiang heard his mother praise him more than once: "God's work is amazing."

Yan Xiang: "?"

Not very understanding.

But Yan Xiang likes radio stations very much.

Starting from the door of the town committee compound, he started his day by saying hello: "Hello, uncle!"

The uncle in the reception room would smile and wave to him: "Yan Xiang is here."

Along the way, he would politely say hello to every uncle, uncle, and aunt he met.

Some people even hear the sound and will open the window and call him: "Hey! Xiao Yanxiang! You haven't said hello to me yet!"

Yan Xiang stopped politely and said hello seriously.

He didn't understand why the adults were laughing. But those laughs sounded cheerful and made people feel good.

And they often take out candy from their trouser pockets and say, "Here you go."

The town committee compound is a good place to earn sugar!

As long as the children are polite, they will get candy!

The thing that Yan Xiang is most proud of is that he has his own table in the radio station.

But it is a pity that no one, including Brother Gangzi, Brother Huazi, Sister Yingzi and Junjun, is willing to believe it. They said he was bragging.

This made Yan Xiang very angry, but he couldn't prove it. He couldn't bring them to work either.

Yan Xiang can only attend his own class seriously.

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