💛 epilogue + a/n 💛

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*2 months later: January 25, 2020, 3:08 am*

Waiting for 8 minutes, was the worst for Briar. She was feeling very off lately and Calum noticed that too.

So, about a week before, Briar went to the pharmacy, and bought a pregnancy test.

The timer beeped, and the 8 minutes were over, it was time to see if she was pregnant or not.

With shaking hands she picked up the test, and looked down.


She took another one.


And for the third time.


She was pregnant, with Calum's baby.

Tears glazed over her eyes, as she heard movement from the bed.

Knocks were heard on the door, and Calum walked in. Briar took hold of all the tests.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Calum asked, while wrapping his arms around her waist.

She shakily showed him, the tests.

His eyes glazed up as well.

"I love you, and this cute little baby inside of you."

"I love you too Calum, and happy birthday!"

Calum was 24, Briar was 17,
and a little baby was on the way.

The end!!

yayy!!! this story is officially finished!! it hit 3 months a couple days ago!! so ty for that!! it's officially finished!! ty for all the comments and votes i've gotten throughout this story, it's been my baby. (i say that abt every book)
but ty sm for all of my dedicated readers, i love u guys!! stay tuned for the next book in this series, which will be released in a couple days!

- ash 💛💛

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