t w e n t y - e i g h t

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The sun felt wonderful the next day.

In Seong had snuck out before Eun Yoo that morning. He wanted to go outside and clean off the jingum. In Seong sat on the top of the exit, legs kicking back and forth as he cleaned the blade. The solution he found for his knives was a godsent. It cleaned and polished and made them shine back at In Seong.

As In Seong sat there, he heard the rustle in the bushes around the stadium. A smile appeared on his face. In Seong scooted himself closer to the edge of the roof as the monster came out of the bushes. It ran straight for In Seong, jumping onto his dangling legs. The monster climbed up and around In Seong's back. The backpack that In Seong carried was open and the monster could smell the jerky that In Seong fed it.

"Yeah, go ahead. There's a new flavor, let me know if you like it." The monster's entire head went into the bag, moving things around until it found the bag of jerky. The monster made happy noises before tearing open the bag. In Seong looked back at the monster.

In Seong wondered if the monster was once a child or an adult. Due to the monster's size, he suspected it was a child, which made his heart hurt. It made him think about Jin Hee.

What if she turned into a monster?

What if the monster he was taking care of was Jin Hee?

What happened to this monster to make it become a monster?

Or was the monster born?

There were so many questions that ran through In Seong's mind.

But one thing In Seong knew was that he wasn't scared of all the monsters that were out there. Some of the monsters truly didn't want to kill – during one of In Seong's solo trips outside, he had run into a group of monsters. Three out of the four monsters wanted to kill him, but one didn't. When In Seong ran, he heard the chaos. What In Seong didn't realize was that someone was watching him as he explored this new world, and they were protecting him. And Eun Yoo.

In Seong knew something was protecting him and Eun Yoo. Whenever they got into stick situations, something always came to their rescue. They never saw what it was, but they knew something was out there. Eun Yoo was convinced it was Eun Hyuk. In Seong allowed her to have those thoughts because he hadn't told her about his solo outings and being protected by something too.

In Seong looked out over the forest that was growing around the stadium. The world looked so much greener now that humans didn't run it straight into the ground. In Seong really enjoyed the fact nature was taking over and flourishing.

He wiped the tip of the jingum, scraping off some of the dried blood.

"Is it good?"

The monster nodded as it sat next to In Seong, eating the jerky. In Seong lowered the jingum for a moment to pat the monster's head. "That's good to hear." In Seong gave the monster a smile.

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