Chapter 5*

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Claire's P.O.V*  UN welcomed visitors?*-Week later-

  "Can I have one?" Ariel asked looking at the pack of cigarettes in my hand. "Sure." I said pulling one out for her and lighting it, I handed it to her. "Thanks sis." she said sitting down behind me. "Smoking is bad for you!" Lenna said sitting down beside me.

 "I agree." said a deep voice. Shane had his gun pointed at the man behind us. "Put your hands up!"Shane said as I helped Lenna and my sister up. I pushed them behind me as I turned around, gun raised, I could hardly believe what I saw.

Standing there was a man and a woman. Those people were my parents. I kept telling myself that they were dead, serves them right. They did leave without us, a time we really needed them they left us. The world was ending, and they left us with a simple note. "Mommy! Daddy!"Ariel said running to them. No this wasn't happening. I looked up to see Shane's gun no longer pointed at them, my mother and father were hugging my little sister.

 The one they left behind,I couldn't help but realise my gun was still pointed at them. "Honey put it down."Lenna whispered, I dropped the gun and shoved it in my pocket, but not before putting it on safety. There were only two people here who knew how I felt now towards my parents, and that was Lenna and Luke.

 Yea Luke and me are friends again, I realised I needed to be happy for him and not jealous. Over the past week we grew closer. Of course him and Annie were inseparable, much to my dismay. She enjoyed it, she knew I was jealous so she made sure to kiss Luke or whisper things to him, some times even touch him when I was around. This past week I began to get less and less jealous. I realised jealousy wasn't good for anybody.

 "Claire." I heard my mother say walking closer to me. I looked over to see my father looking at me with Ariel in his arms. My sister missed my parents, sometimes she would cry for hours wanting her mom. I of course didn't , I couldn't get over the fact they left us. I felt my moms arms wrap around me, hugging me but I didn't hug her back. I felt her arms drop and she stepped back looking at me with sad eyes.

 "I'm sorry." she whispered, stepping back and hugging my sister. I didn't make eye contact with them, I just lit another cigarette, grabbed my bow and walked away towards the highway. I saw a few stray walkers shuffling towards me, I shot the woman closest to me. I walked over to her and pulled the arrow out of her head. I heard one coming up behind me so I shot it with a bow, the same thing as I did to the woman I pulled the arrow out of his head.

 This was all happening to quick. It didn't even seem real, I mean com eon how did they just stumble up on us. It was highly unlikely two people could survive on their own isn't it. Maybe they had been with a bigger group and left them behind. Or maybe they got over run?

 "Something isn't right." I said as I saw Jason had followed me up here. I sat on the guard rail, well more like leaned against it. 'You might be right." he said pulling out a cigarette of his own. "Your sister looks allot like your mom." Jason said stepping over the guard rail and leaning against it beside me. A few walkers were stumbling around, they hadn't saw us yet.

 "She sure does." I said sighing, as I finished my cigarette I put it on the ground and stomped on it. I looked over and saw the missing guard rail, that was where we had come in at. "Have you always been like this with your parents?" Jason asked raising his eyebrows at me. "They left us." I said, avoiding eye contact with him.

  "Oh." was all he said when Shane motioned for us to come back. "Great." I muttered slinging my leg over the guard rail after Jason did.

 *Few hours later*

 I sighed zipping up my jacket, the sun had already set an hour or two ago. "So you know how to shoot a gun?" Gage asked my mother. I looked over to see my mother and father were hugging my sister. Not like a hug, more like all cuddled up to each other. "Yea, I do. James took us all to a class a few years back to help us learn how to shoot." My mother said referring to my father.

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